Xia watched them chatting, and she was starving. She said anxiously, "I’ll get something to eat first."

"I’ll go, too," said Zhou Haolin and Tang Si sweetly.
Summer back smiled "really not the kui is an old friend for many years so have the tacit understanding"
Tang Sitian shook her hair again and said awkwardly, "Hehe, go ahead. I’ll sit and watch the bag."
Chapter ninety-two No longer pure friends
Chapter ninety-two No longer pure friends
Xia and Zhou Haolin went to get the ingredients together. Xia turned to look at Tang Sitian from time to time and said, "Er, do you think Sitian is strange today?"
Hao-lin zhou heart thumped and shook his head and said, "I didn’t see it."
Xia Bai gave him a look. "You are still her best friend and buddy. You can’t see something in her heart."
Zhou Haolin said, "A woman’s heart is in the sea. I guess your mind is enough. Where do you have time to guess her mind? Besides, she and I were relatively close at the university, and there were not many after-work associations."
"Well, I’ll spare you."
"Maybe she has something to worry about because of work. A strong woman like her has a job in her eyes."
Summer sighed anxiously. "Alas, it’s hard for her."
Tang Sitian sat in the position and adjusted her emotions as much as possible. She told herself that this day would come sooner or later, and there was nothing to face or face.
She looked up and quietly searched for the figure of Zhou Haolin. She saw that Zhou Haolin and Xia were holding ingredients together. They were very good together. Zhou Haolin was pregnant with Xia and even looked at her with love.
I don’t know why she has an indescribable feeling of sadness and jealousy. No, she doesn’t have that qualification, but her heart is always haunted by a feeling of missing everything.
Xia Xian came back and put the plate down and said, "Si Tian, you bake first and I’ll get some fruit and drinks."
"Don’t take too much."
"Nothing. I’m hungry and thirsty now."
Xia said and left, returning to Zhou Haolin and passing by, "Where are you going?"
"I’ll get some fruit and drinks. You and Sitian bake them first."
Section 37
"Can I help you?"
"No, you sit down."
Zhou Haolin slowly sat down. He sat diagonally opposite Tang Sitian and didn’t know what to say. He simply asked, "Where can I fight this?"
Tang Sitian "can put things away after brushing oil"
At the same time, the two men went to get the oil brush and touched their hands. Tang Sitian was sensitive and responded very quickly. She was so embarrassed that she quickly turned to look away.
Zhou Haolin was brushing oil on baking paper with an oil brush and asked in a low voice, "How’s it going?"
Tang Sitian grumpily replied, "Didn’t you say you were busy?" She didn’t look at him and asked, "What are you doing off duty to have barbecue with us? I’m still embarrassed."
Zhou Haolin also came angry and said, "Sister, I am on duty during the day. Now it’s late. What are you doing in such a hurry?"
“? ?” As soon as Tang Sitian was speechless, his heart became even more depressed. "I have this bad temper. It’s not the first day you met me."
"You? ?” Zhou Haolin thinks that no matter how hard it is, he can’t argue with girls. What’s worse, Tang Sitian, so his attitude has improved a little, and he said gently, "I also want to worry that you will never be finished with your work, so don’t be too tired."
Tang Sitian is the kind of person who eats soft and doesn’t eat hard. When his attitude gets better, she can’t rush up. "I don’t know what you care."
The latter two were silent again, and the sliced meat made a "sizzle" on the baking tray.
In a short time, Xia came back. Today, she cleaned her old place all day, inside and outside several times, so tired that she couldn’t straighten her waist and didn’t even eat lunch.
As soon as she sat down, she said, "Wow, it’s great to finally have a full meal. I feel like my body is almost not myself."
Zhou Haolin saw her smile like that and said, "Then you didn’t say how good it would be to sit and eat. I’ll just get it."
"I prefer to be self-reliant, hahahaha."
Zhou Haolin put the roasted meat slices into her bowl and said, "Eat quickly. Don’t be hungry. I’ll be responsible for roasting and you’ll be responsible for eating."
The taste of eating sliced meat in summer is really a compliment. "Thank you for giving Si Tian some, too."
"No" Tang Sitian immediately vetoed "I have hands and I prefer to be self-reliant"
Xia laughed again and teased, "Are you mocking my mouth for food?"
Tang Sitian said bluntly, "You have a knight to protect me."
Xia turned and looked at Zhou Hao Lin Zhou Hao Lin, who had been helping her to pick vegetables and dip baked things in sauce before putting them in her bowl. She also felt that he was silently guarding her like a knight, asking for nothing in return.
Hao-lin zhou turned his head and came into contact with Xia’s eyes. He was even shy. "Why do you look at me like that?"
"Oh ha ha" Xia giggled and bowed their heads and continued to eat. She enjoyed the knight’s care for her and this highly valued love.
Tang Sitian is really uncomfortable. Sitting opposite them just happened to see them flirting with each other, but she can pretend as if nothing had happened.
"Your place has been cleaned up" Zhou Haolin asked.
"Yeah, it’s all right. You can move back at any time."
"when to move"
"I still need to buy some things that I threw away a few days ago, and I have to tell the landlord that the rent was paid at the end of the year, and I don’t know if I can pay back the rent before I move out."
"I think so. Do you need me to come forward?"
"I don’t have to solve it myself."

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阳光透过稀疏的云层,洒在江边的小径上,微风轻拂,带来阵阵江水的清新。我沿着江边漫步,一路欣赏着这美丽的景色,突然感到一阵疲惫,便找了一块平坦的石头坐下,享受这难得的小憩时光。 江水悠悠,波光粼粼,仿佛在诉说着古老的故事。我闭上眼睛,感受着微风拂过脸颊的温柔,耳畔传来江水拍打岸边的声音,宛如一曲动人的乐章。在这宁静的江边,我仿佛置身于一个与世隔绝的世界,心情也变得格外舒畅。 正当我沉浸在这份宁静中时,一阵茶香飘来,打破了周围的宁静。我睁开眼睛,只见一位茶艺师正在不远处忙碌着。她身着素雅的汉服,手持茶具,手法熟练地将茶叶放入茶壶,然后注入热水,只见茶叶在水中翻滚,逐渐展开,犹如一幅美丽的画卷。 茶艺师缓缓地拿起茶杯,轻啜一口,然后微笑着递给我。我接过茶杯,茶香浓郁,入口甘甜。这茶仿佛有着神奇的魔力,让我心中的疲惫一扫而空,只剩下宁静和愉悦。 我放下茶杯,看着茶艺师熟练地泡茶,心中不禁对她产生了敬意。她不仅泡得一手好茶,更懂得如何在繁忙的生活中寻找一份宁静。我想,这就是茶的魅力吧,它能够让人在喧嚣的世界中找到片刻的安宁。 小憩过后,我重新踏上征程。江边的风景依旧美丽,但我却感受到了一种不同的韵味。这韵味来自于茶,更来自于那份宁静和从容。 茶,是一种文化,也是一种生活方式。它不仅仅是一种饮品,更是一种心灵的寄托。在忙碌的生活中,我们不妨放下手中的忙碌,泡一壶茶,静静地品味其中的韵味,让自己在忙碌中找到一份宁静。 江边小憩,茶香醉人。这一刻,我仿佛明白了生活的真谛。在这个快节奏的时代,我们需要学会放慢脚步,去感受生活中的美好,去品味生活中的茶香。只有这样,我们才能在纷繁复杂的世界中找到属于自己的那份宁静和快乐。

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