After perceiving the effect of black fog on Zhenyuan, autumn was particularly pleasantly surprised. After a binge drinking in my heart, Zhenyuan immediately started to work.

Blink of an eye from the corner of Qiudantian, Zhenyuan gurgled like water and flowed all over all meridians and acupoints in Qiushen. Immediately, a strong force returned to Qiushen and felt weak.
True yuan power is not as good as autumn mana, but in this case, it is very happy to have a force to move autumn, and I will be picky.
When the magic of the elixir can be moved, autumn can naturally control the flight of avoiding light. At this time, it is difficult to adjust the magic of autumn, but it does not have the ability to fly
"Deng Deng Deng …"
If you can’t fly in autumn, you can’t stop falling naturally, but there’s nothing he can do. You can also see that the falling degree of autumn is greatly reduced when your feet trample on each other with a continuous dull sound.
Doing a free fall from a high fall is a big shock in the autumn heart. If it keeps like this, I am afraid that when I finally fall to the ground, I can’t escape a physical death ending.
Fortunately, today’s operational Zhenyuan can’t fly, but it can greatly slow down the drop in the autumn when the vertical ladder is put into use.
Like a catkin, although his autumn figure has been falling, his body is light, like he has no effort.
After a short time, he heard two extremely sharp and harsh whistling sounds from his side and vaguely saw two black shadows falling straight from left to right.
"Gnome male-"should be the obscene old monk and Monty Godsworn who came after me. They were given a gift and they were really functional after the Mana Consciousness Department lost its effect. These two people will definitely be miserable. "
After seeing the two shadows and hearing the falling sound, Qiu immediately knew that it was a wretched old monk, and they couldn’t help but gloat in their hearts.
Thought of such a direct fall to the wretched old monk’s godsend will encounter a tragic situation. Qiu gloated in his heart and cursed the two of them for "deserved it". At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel awe-inspiring. He even worked hard to display the vertical ladder and finally fell to his death.
Chapter II Delivery
Chapter four hundred and forty-seven Imprisonment yuan baby
Chapter four hundred and forty-seven Imprisonment yuan baby
Always fall away, the two feet trample on each other in autumn, and the vertical ladder of Juexue is used to slow down the fall greatly.
It’s not obvious when it’s dark around, but it seems that it’s been a long time since it’s been falling towards the square, and finally autumn feet touch the ground
Although there is a unique ladder that constantly removes the falling force, there is still a dull noise when it hits the ground from the high school.
As soon as his feet touched the ground, a strong force immediately came from the surface to the autumn body, especially when his feet were numb for a moment and he lost consciousness.
Mana can’t move a bit, can’t display the spirit, can’t find out the spirit in vitro, and at this time, in this black fog, the Mid-Autumn Festival is like losing your eyes and ears, deaf and blind, and all the scenes outside Fiona Fang can’t be perceived.
Eyes and ears are extremely limited, and you can vaguely see a range of ten feet. In autumn, there is no sense of security in your heart and your feet are numb to the extreme. For a while, you can only stay quiet and dare not act rashly.
Doing a free fall from high school is not a real thing, but the vertical ladder is very effective. Even in autumn, it will become a pile of minced meat. Even now, his legs are numb, and he doubts whether his legs have broken.
Standing in the same place in a towering posture, Qiu rested safely for less than half an hour, and Zhenyuan in the abdomen was constantly running out and washed away towards the meridians in his legs, and finally his legs gradually became conscious.
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s moving."
The numbness in both legs gradually disappeared and regained consciousness. Qiu clearly felt that his legs were not broken and couldn’t help laughing in his heart.
Although he recovered his ability to act, Qiu still dared not touch at will, and he dared to grope around slowly in the narrow field of vision.
In this slow action, it took another moment before autumn could find out how far away it was. Suddenly, the black fog was hanging around, and it quickly dissipated. When it finally stabilized, it became much thinner.
The black fog is thin, leaving a thin layer of autumn, and the area that the eyes can see is widened, so they don’t have to be confined to a narrow place, and they can finally move at will.
After all, it’s good to be a monk in the golden elixir period, although he doesn’t concentrate on exercising his autumn eyesight. You can see a very long distance with a little light, and at this time, his autumn body is really full of spirits and his six senses are not weak.
I don’t know anything about this kind of black fog, but it is terrible and terrible. Even if it is thin, I still can’t move my mana consciousness after several tests in autumn. Fortunately, the real yuan circulation is still smooth, but it makes Qiu feel a little safe.
After the black fog is thin and the eyesight can be far away, autumn looks around and immediately there are two broken bodies nearby, and blood is flowing everywhere.
Now there are two bodies. In the blink of an eye, Qiu moved to one body. After a closer look, it was indeed a godsend. Then Qiu moved quickly to another body. Not surprisingly, it was a wretched old monk
I don’t know how high it is, but the wretched old monk and young monk have lost their godsend, so they are just a little stronger than ordinary people. When they fall to the ground, how can they be intact? Even when autumn touches the ground on the first day, their legs are numb for a long time.
The wretched old monk is a godsend. Two of them are lying on the left and right side of Qiu. The whole body is in tatters, and in some places it has changed. The blood is scarlet and bright, and it has flowed out from the damaged places and dyed the surrounding land red.
"Ha ha ha, you old thief, you have today."

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近日,武汉茶文化养生论坛群举办了一场别开生面的茶艺知识普及讲座,吸引了众多茶艺爱好者和茶文化研究者的关注。本次讲座由知名茶艺师、茶文化专家主讲,旨在为广大茶友普及茶艺知识,提升茶文化素养。 讲座现场,茶艺师首先向茶友们介绍了我国茶文化的悠久历史和丰富内涵。从唐代陆羽的《茶经》到现代茶文化的传承与发展,茶艺师详细阐述了茶道、茶艺、茶德等茶文化核心要素。茶友们听得津津有味,纷纷感叹茶文化的博大精深。 接下来,茶艺师从茶叶的分类、品质、产地等方面,深入浅出地讲解了各类茶叶的特点。她指出,茶叶分为六大类:绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶叶都有其独特的风味和养生功效。茶友们了解到,绿茶具有抗氧化、提神醒脑的作用;红茶则有助于消化、降脂;乌龙茶具有提神、减肥的功效;白茶则具有清热解毒、提神醒脑的作用;黄茶和黑茶则具有养胃、助消化等功效。 在茶艺表演环节,茶艺师现场展示了泡茶、品茶、赏茶、鉴茶的技巧。她将茶叶放入盖碗,用沸水冲泡,茶叶在水中舒展、旋转、下沉上升,呈现出一片生机盎然的景象。茶艺师一边泡茶,一边讲解泡茶过程中的注意事项,如水温、茶具选择等。茶友们纷纷拿出手机拍照留念,学习茶艺知识。 随后,茶艺师针对茶友们提出的问题进行了详细解答。她指出,泡茶时水温要适宜,绿茶适宜用80℃左右的水,红茶则用95℃左右的水;茶具选择要注重材质和造型,如紫砂壶、瓷器等。茶友们对茶艺师的专业解答表示满意,纷纷表示受益匪浅。 最后,茶艺师分享了茶文化养生之道。她认为,茶文化养生包括茶道、茶艺、茶德三个方面。茶道讲究的是内心的宁静、和谐;茶艺则体现在泡茶、品茶的过程中;茶德则要求我们在日常生活中尊重他人、关爱自然。茶文化养生不仅能陶冶情操,还能强身健体,是现代人追求健康生活的一种方式。 本次讲座的成功举办,不仅为广大茶友提供了学习茶艺知识、交流茶文化的平台,还进一步推动了武汉茶文化的发展。茶友们纷纷表示,通过此次讲座,他们对茶文化有了更深入的了解,今后将更加热爱茶文化,传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

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