Xiao Fang danced around in the distance, and immediately the clouds cleared away. A bug flew from a distance and fell on the red line in his hand. Although it looked like a caterpillar, its back wings kept flapping and humming.

Xiaofang, a small bamboo tube put Zechong in the cork, and then he continued to walk up the mountain with the red line. The red line made the child feel a little strange and asked, "Who are you?"
"Do you want to know?" Xiao Fang turned around and smiled and said, "I’ll tell you quietly if you squat down."
Red line to see him a face of mystery is not more curious and bent down.
Little Fang stood on tiptoe and barely put his mouth on the red line ear. "Do you really want to know? I told you in the temple that I am … little square, little square, little square … "
He actually shouted
The red line was first startled by his sudden roar loud, and then the horse got angry and smashed it with a fist rudely.
Xiao Fang was punched several times by her, and even her eyes were punched out with black circles. She quickly jumped into a tree and squatted there, muttering, "I told you my name was Xiao Fang, and you have to keep asking me who I am, but you didn’t even tell me your name, and you didn’t even tell me who you are. How do you say I’m your savior? You asked me who I am, who I am, and you didn’t tell me who you are first, and you also hit me …"
He is so pitiful and pitiful.
Looking at Xiao Fang’s wronged red line, I also feel that I am really a wicked woman who bullies children.
With a slight cough, she turned away awkwardly and said, "Well … my name is Xue Hongxian!"
Xiao Fang jumped up and grabbed her hand with tears and snot. She rubbed the back of her hand.
Chapter 54 Re-accepting Female Disciples
The red line followed Xiao Fang to the mountain to see that there was a village where human beings lived. Xiao Fang told her that these people were scattered in every corner of the demon spirit world, and the Buddha controlled the demon spirit world. The day after tomorrow, the earth was covered with blue fog, and the earth slowly lost its charm. Only a small part of the land could grow crops.
The number of mortals in the good demon spirit world is limited, and gradually they get together, and some human beings echo the glorious Buddha and abuse those demon families who are forced into slavery, while others dare not say anything although they can’t see it.
The red line saw that there were still many birds and beasts flying in the sky, and many gods scattered around the town entrance, apparently searching for her.
"Don’t move!" Xiao Fang waved his hand and turned the lotus flower out. He picked a petal and jumped up to pat it with a red line and blushed. He felt that his face was cool and didn’t react. Xiao Fang got a strange collar and put her neck on it, then grabbed her and ran to town.
The red line has seen several people of God who are nervous and worried that they will see through them, but those people of God obviously didn’t doubt that she greeted Xiao Fang. One of them asked Xiao Fang who the girl he brought, but Xiao Fang said a sentence, "She is my girlfriend. Don’t be hard on her."
The man of God shook his head and said, "How did you find a girlfriend with demon blood?"
"What about the demon family?" Xiao Fang laughed. "When Mrs. Baby Spoon gets married, I will find a good gift for her. When Mrs. Baby Spoon is happy, she will naturally help her get rid of her demon registration and maybe even give her a priest."
"Don’t dream," the man of God snorted. "Even the fool’s adult, Wu Xian’s adult and Wu’s adult are thinking hard about what kind of gift they should give your wife. You are a small place where the gods send things, afraid that your wife won’t even bother to look."
"We’ll see!" Xiao Fang ran into the crowd, holding hands with the red line.
The red line saw that the man of God regarded her as a demon race, and he couldn’t help but wonder that there were also many demons in this town, all of whom were wearing collars in other places. The collar was almost the same as a small square sleeve in appearance, and these demons were obviously in a very low position, either doing coolies or being put on the stage as cattle for people to buy and sell.
The red line thought that the men of God would never regard her as a demon when they saw her wearing a collar, so they found a bronze mirror with a booth and took a picture.
I don’t know how many stripes are on her face. If you look at her face, it looks more like a cat. She is grateful to know that it must be a small party.
The stall owner grabbed the bronze mirror and scolded, "Where are you from? Your master doesn’t value you."
It is necessary to kick her.
The red line was furious and tried to break this guy’s leg, but Xiao Fang came from the side and pulled her and stared at the stall owner. "What do you want?"
The man also knew Xiao Fang and quickly changed a bunch of smiling faces to apologize and smile apologetically to Xiao Fang.
Red Line thinks this guy is disgusting.
Xiao Fang walked with the red line and secretly said to her, "You’d better stop secretly infuriating. All the demons who wear the forbidden spirit hoop are blocked, and nothing can be made out. Moreover, the hoop also carries a forbidden spell. Once they attack the immortal or mortal forbidden spirit hoop, they will suffer. If you are found to be angry, those gods and horses will know that your neck is fake."
The red line looks around to see that most human beings are dressed differently, but they don’t look like her. This one with a navel is the one with stripes on it. It is obvious that Xiaofang is going to let her pretend to be a demon girl.
A few demon girls were forced to take off their clothes, and many people ignored their panic and pointed at them, and there was a fat guy selling them.
Although the red line is in a state of war, this kind of blatant trafficking in human beings rarely happens, and these girls are similar to ordinary human beings from anywhere except wearing stripes.
Xiaofang low said, "They are all human beings, but which one of the ancestors has demon ancestry, so they are all classified as demon. This demon spirit world is the place where the demon family lives. For thousands of years, some people have escaped from the war, and many demon families have escaped. It has never been difficult for them. Since the arrival of the Buddha, the demon people are not as good as before. It is the Buddha who stipulates human status and the demon family. So these people also feel at ease and treat the demon family as lowly slaves. How do you treat them well before the demon family?
Red line silence
Xiao Fang added, "Sometimes when I see what these people do, I really wish I wouldn’t care if they disappear from here like other places, but if I do that, I’m afraid no one can live anymore. Forget it. Let’s go …"
The red line asks, "Where to?"
"Away from the Palace" said Xiao Fang in a low voice. "Foolish adults are chasing you everywhere. If you keep wandering outside, he will find Mrs. Baby Spoon sooner or later. The wedding day is approaching. She needs a lot of maids. I know some stewards there who can let you hide inside and be a maid. If you think about it, you will never think that you dare to go to the palace. Even if you think about him, how dare you search Mrs. Baby Spoon’s residence?"
The red line thought for a moment and asked, "The fairy sword my master gave me was robbed by that evil god. What can I do to steal it back?"
"xianjian?" Xiao Fang said, "What’s the quality of your fairy sword? If it’s a general flying sword, I’m afraid a fool’s adult would have rubbed it into iron filings and thrown it away. "
The red line says, "That flying sword came from my grandmaster naturally, and it’s not just a flying sword."
"Who is your grandmaster?"
The red line says, "His old man’s house is the Buddha who saved the suffering in the wild."
Xiao Fang was startled. "Don’t lie to me."
The red line hummed, "Why am I cheating you? My master is the only one in the East Emperor. "
"If it’s true, it’s easy," said Xiao Fang. "Fool’s adult will give your sword to Mrs. Baby Spoon. Although she doesn’t have a sword, Mrs. Baby Spoon likes to collect famous swords. You can carefully find out if your fairy sword has been collected by Mrs. Baby Spoon after you go to the palace, but if you really want to steal the sword, you should be very careful. Mrs. Baby Spoon is not only magical, but also the maids around her are not weak. Mrs. Baby Spoon often thinks herself better than the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother is never so lucky."
The red line exclaimed, "Is she really worse than the Queen Mother?"
"How is that possible? Do you really believe her shameless boasting? " Xiao Fang Yi said, "The East Prince’s father, the West Queen Mother, and the Heavenly Queen Mother have learned that Jin Xian at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was not even Mrs. Yuan’s rival. What is Mrs. Baby Spoon? But if you look down on Mrs. Baby Spoon because of this, it’s dead. Her strength is far less than that of the average Yaochi fairy. It’s true that Mrs. Wei of Nanyue Yuanjun has to play against each other before she knows who is strong and who is weak. "

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