After choosing the hero, Yun Ge was very satisfied with this array. Although none of them were full of fetters, the fetters of 3322 covered almost everyone in the venue.

Compared with the single five fetters, 3322 fetters are even stronger, and the fetters can make the players play better.
"I think IG array is a little more comfortable than JDG array, and it is stronger in both line and team battles."
While entering Summoner’s Canyon, the three commentators fled from both sides, remembering that the flag chose to support IG.
"I also think the IG array is better. They are like a whole group. There are three big groups, monkey, Sagittarius and Luo. The output in the back row is guaranteed by the Tsar and Xia."
"The key is that the output of the Tsar and Xia is not easily disturbed. Rkie and Ashui both have their own registration methods. They are not afraid of being targeted by JDG, but the blind monk has not played much."
A simple comparative analysis-Miller is also more optimistic about the IG array. In Miller’s heart, IG alone has a 60% to 70% chance of winning.
"IG array collocation is really good, but JDG is not without strength. I think JDG has chosen Bud very well. If JDG can play Bud’s wandering, it may have the ability to turn over."
However, both of his commentators chose to support JDG of Guan Zeyuan’s team after IG and put in a good word for them. Guan Zeyuan is not saying that Budd is indeed the key to JDG’s victory.
Bader, a hero, rarely appears, but because of the characteristics of big moves, Bader does have the magic of turning decay. Many times, Bader can turn Gan Kun around with a big move.
Of course, Bud’s big move ruined a good game, and it’s not without everything. It still depends on the players’ play. It’s because Bud’s hero is unstable that he rarely appears on the court.
Since JDG chose Bud for lva, it means that they have confidence in Bud, and this hero is indeed a closet hero of lva.
As soon as JDG entered the competition, Bud led the group to the road to catch a single hand. heshy, if the monkey chooses the first level to wait for this wave to be caught by Bud, it is easy to send a blood.
JDG didn’t choose to invade the first-class regiment strongly, but chose a relatively stable one. It is very likely that JDG will catch people with Budd’s fixed wall.
JDG obviously analyzed the IG video before the game and knew that heshy liked the grass next to the river, so Bud took the lead from triangle grass to Monkey Kill.
Although there was no vision, lva was sure that heshy must be in the grass. When Bud appeared for a moment, heshy was really startled. Without thinking, heshy learned a W-Bud decisively and slipped away from the road in front of his eyes.
When Budd found the monkey figure in the grass, lva didn’t choose to do it, but first leveled A to confirm that it was a fake monkey, and then lva looked at the grass in two directions.
Sure enough, a sneaky monkey was found at the sharp corner of the square wall. lva flashed out decisively without hesitation. qlva adjusted an angle to ensure that Q skill could hit the monkey and hit the wall at the same time.
Heshy’s nerves have been in a state of tension at this time. When Bud flashed Q, the monkey also handed over the flash to avoid being controlled by Bud.
"Flash-for-flash JDG road is very fierce, and the flash of heshy is played at the first level."
I remember feeling a little distressed about heshy. Look at JDG’s strategy. It is estimated that it is going to be slightly aimed at heshy, otherwise it will not put the tactical focus of the first-level regiment out of the way.
"The monkey didn’t flash to the first level and still learned the W skill. It’s not easy to beat the monkey in the early stage, and there is not much advantage in beating Aoen."
"At present, I have been caught in a wave in the early stage. If I fight in the wild and catch another wave of heshy road alignment, I will feel uncomfortable for a long time. Once Aon gets the advantage monkey, it is really difficult to deal with it."
Guan Zeyuan rationally analyzed that there are not many problems in JDG road breakthrough play. There are two main reasons. First, heshy has never played monkey proficiency, and it is not clear what it can be aimed at to see how strong it is.
Second, it is not easy for the monkey to play Aon against the line, and it is not a simple matter to rule out the player’s factor.
To put it bluntly, the monkey is also a hero. Li Q skill has armor-piercing damage and E skill has attack speed to hit people. These factors are accurate when facing crispy skin.
However, the effect is not so good in the face of rough skin Aon. Once in a dilemma, Aon’s damage is not low, especially the fragile effect of W-fire. Unless heshy can fool Z in disguise, he can’t bear a bite of fragile monkey body.
Z-Road Steady Style Even if the heshy monkey wants to cheat Z, it is very difficult, so the monkey road root has no advantage over the line.
On the contrary, there are still some disadvantages after being engaged in a wave, but this does not affect the development of Hesey. After entering the opposite phase, Hesey did not flash. Hesey was honest and did not choose to fight Aon.
Of course, Z will not provoke the peaceful development of both sides of heshy. At the same time, Z chose to slowly take back the line of soldiers, and the monkey unconsciously pushed it out.
Guan Zeyuan guessed right. Redmi coach bp helped JDG players make a wave of on-the-spot decisions. He asked Kanavi to find the rhythm for heshy monkeys in the early stage
If you really can’t do anything about the heshy monkey, then continue to choose against czar Rkie and try to get toothpaste Zoe to move. It is very difficult for JDG to win the game without rhythm in the middle.
Three minutes later, the red blind monk, the wild monster in the Qing half area, came directly to the road. Knowing that heshy inserted his vision into the river in the half area, Kanavi once again chose to go around the vision for gank.
And after the end of the first visual field, he sneaked into the grass of the road, and heshy also noticed the danger of the road. When he saw the soldier line coming to JDG Tower involuntarily, heshy planned to insert a protective eye in the grass.
But heshy didn’t expect that the blind monk Kanavi had ambushed inside, and the blind monk chose Red to catch him directly just to surprise him.
If the blind monk chooses the blue three-level catch, he may be seen by the eye position of heshy, but in the end, Kanavi is a clever move and comes to the grass early to ambush the monkey, just in the face of the blind monk.
Heshy had already noticed something was wrong halfway because he was going to the river grass to make a view, and Z Aon gave up the line of fire and rushed forward, which said that the blind monk was definitely nearby.
Just when heshy tried to retreat, a celestial sound wave in the grass had kicked the monkey’s face, and then a bald head flew out of the grass and Kanavi approached the monkey in the second section.
Without flashing, heshy could choose w to run for his life. He didn’t choose to run to the road, but to run to the river. It is easy to fall into the JDG wild bag if there is Aon running to the road.
At this time, running for your life in your own wild area can also be covered by horses. But heshy didn’t expect JDG wild to be so decisive.

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近日,武汉茶文化养生论坛群举办了一场别开生面的茶艺知识普及讲座,吸引了众多茶艺爱好者和茶文化研究者的关注。本次讲座由知名茶艺师、茶文化专家主讲,旨在为广大茶友普及茶艺知识,提升茶文化素养。 讲座现场,茶艺师首先向茶友们介绍了我国茶文化的悠久历史和丰富内涵。从唐代陆羽的《茶经》到现代茶文化的传承与发展,茶艺师详细阐述了茶道、茶艺、茶德等茶文化核心要素。茶友们听得津津有味,纷纷感叹茶文化的博大精深。 接下来,茶艺师从茶叶的分类、品质、产地等方面,深入浅出地讲解了各类茶叶的特点。她指出,茶叶分为六大类:绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶叶都有其独特的风味和养生功效。茶友们了解到,绿茶具有抗氧化、提神醒脑的作用;红茶则有助于消化、降脂;乌龙茶具有提神、减肥的功效;白茶则具有清热解毒、提神醒脑的作用;黄茶和黑茶则具有养胃、助消化等功效。 在茶艺表演环节,茶艺师现场展示了泡茶、品茶、赏茶、鉴茶的技巧。她将茶叶放入盖碗,用沸水冲泡,茶叶在水中舒展、旋转、下沉上升,呈现出一片生机盎然的景象。茶艺师一边泡茶,一边讲解泡茶过程中的注意事项,如水温、茶具选择等。茶友们纷纷拿出手机拍照留念,学习茶艺知识。 随后,茶艺师针对茶友们提出的问题进行了详细解答。她指出,泡茶时水温要适宜,绿茶适宜用80℃左右的水,红茶则用95℃左右的水;茶具选择要注重材质和造型,如紫砂壶、瓷器等。茶友们对茶艺师的专业解答表示满意,纷纷表示受益匪浅。 最后,茶艺师分享了茶文化养生之道。她认为,茶文化养生包括茶道、茶艺、茶德三个方面。茶道讲究的是内心的宁静、和谐;茶艺则体现在泡茶、品茶的过程中;茶德则要求我们在日常生活中尊重他人、关爱自然。茶文化养生不仅能陶冶情操,还能强身健体,是现代人追求健康生活的一种方式。 本次讲座的成功举办,不仅为广大茶友提供了学习茶艺知识、交流茶文化的平台,还进一步推动了武汉茶文化的发展。茶友们纷纷表示,通过此次讲座,他们对茶文化有了更深入的了解,今后将更加热爱茶文化,传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

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