"Out of the pagoda!"

The Taoist priest who perished in the world showed a ferocious face and drank a fierce spirit accompanied by the monstrous death. A magic tower with ten layers of pagoda slowly rose from his head.
The pagoda is full of dead air, like a destination of death and a resting place for all souls, which gives birth to destruction at a glance.
In each tower, there are several creatures floating and sleeping in their souls. They are either serene or painful.
This scene doesn’t let Feng Zichen think of the ten levels of hell in later generations.
Moreover, this tower level is just Tianbao, but it gives Feng Zichen a very dangerous feeling, which is stronger than that brought by the twelve extinct black lotus.
It’s incredible to know that the black lotus is the top innate treasure, but Tianbao behind this floating pagoda is stronger than it.
This also means that this treasure is not in his hands. chaos bead and HarmonyOS Dao Zhong.
This magic weapon, Feng Zichen, has heard that later generations said that Zhongyuan Tianzun was not a piece of Zhoushan Mountain to refine the seal.
Feng Zichen didn’t know that this pagoda was refined from the souls of hundreds of millions of people who had exhausted their lives.
With this treasure, I intend to put the death handle in my own hands and make myself a successful cause.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-four Ancient times
Magic Zuluo thought it would be good to wait until he refined the pagoda into a pagoda. Even if his path of heaven and earth robbery failed, he could master the death handle with this treasure to make the path holy.
But how could he have imagined that he was defeated by Daozu Hongjun before he could refine the pagoda successfully?
I had to escape from the wild and hide in a dark corner, silently peeping at the opportunity of returning to the wild and the world.
Now that the Lich clan is strong, the demon ancestor Luo Luo saw the hope of comeback, so he handed over the pagoda to the Taoist priest who died in the world and asked them to provoke the Lich clan in the middle of nowhere.
Of course, he also has another purpose, that is, let the Taoist priest and others provoke the Lich clan and kill some masters at the same time, so as to continue refining the pagoda.
The Taoist priest who destroyed the world during the war of the Sixth National People’s Congress relied on the pagoda to block the surrounding time, so that outsiders could perceive the situation and naturally no one would come to help.
The words just fell on the pagoda, and there was a scene of the death of all souls, a scene of the fall of the heavens, a scene of the silence of the avenue … All kinds of visions appeared one after another, which was terrible and frightening.
Before, those terrible visions were quietly broken and condensed into a death light with the breath of Silent Avenue and lasered away in the direction of everyone’s attack
"Sure enough, none of these pick gold immortals is better than one!"
See these pick Jin Xian one by one took out his card wind zichen not regrets ground say
Not long ago, these pick Jin Xian people were all beaten with chicken blood, which was as fierce as freaky trying to kill each other.
But now it seems that they all have reservations, and it is obvious that they are deliberately stupid and wait for the key to give people a hard time. It is really heart!
Moreover, Feng Zichen also suspects that the cards they are showing now may not be their final cards.
Maybe they continue to hide others!
However, whether they are still ignorant or not, Zichen can’t hide. Once the universe is broken, they may not die, but he may not.
Even with the help of chaos bead and HarmonyOS Daozhong, these two Lingbao barely survived, but it would be difficult to return to the universe!
Take a deep breath, and the wind Zichen opens her mouth and swallows chaos bead. In an instant, the marginal chaos gas gushes out from chaos bead, and the poor mana is poured into his body, making his strength soar layer by layer.
Yell at the wind, Zichen stirred up the body’s mana, and the five gases in his chest stirred endlessly, rising from his body and forming the handprint of the Five Emperors, which suddenly exploded forward.
This time, the handprint of the Five Emperors is always different and full of avenue breath, which is different from the power of the flood, and belongs to the power of the Five Elements Avenue.
It is no longer the virtual shadow of the five elements of sacred animals, but the virtual shadow of five horrible fiends, which represents the highest achievement of the five elements avenue.
Feng Zichen’s five-element fiend replaced the five-element holy beast to evolve a new five-element emperor and reconstruct the five emperors’ handprints, which attracted the power of the road and made it sublimate and multiply its power.
The five elements of the five emperors’ handprints rumble endlessly, like a millstone that destroys the world, and it seems to erase all the past, future and present.
Each of these six great magical powers has the ability to destroy one side of the world. What’s worse, six people join hands to fight together in one place, which should be as powerful as it is!
Even a statue of pick Jin Xian will suddenly fall into a deep sleep by this blow.

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漫步在武汉的喻家湖畔,微风轻拂,湖面波光粼粼,宛如一幅浓墨重彩的画卷。这里不仅是市民休闲娱乐的好去处,更是品茗赏景的绝佳之地。在这个春意盎然的季节,让我们一同沉浸在这如诗如画的武汉美景中,感受生活的惬意。 喻家湖,位于武汉市江夏区,是当地著名的湖泊之一。湖水清澈见底,湖岸绿树成荫,鸟语花香。每当阳光洒在湖面上,波光粼粼,宛如一条银色的丝带,穿梭在绿意盎然的湖畔。置身于此,仿佛能听到大自然的声音,感受到岁月的沉淀。 漫步湖畔,脚下是细软的沙石,耳边是悠扬的鸟鸣,眼前是一片生机勃勃的景象。湖边的茶馆,古色古香,散发着淡淡的茶香。这里聚集了许多喜欢品茗的市民,他们或悠闲地品着香茗,或低声细语,享受着这宁静的时光。 走进茶馆,一股暖意扑面而来。店内布置典雅,古筝悠扬,茶艺师身着汉服,手法娴熟地泡制着一壶又一壶的香茗。茶叶在热水的滋养下,慢慢舒展开来,犹如一幅幅精美的画卷。品茗的市民们或闭目养神,或交谈甚欢,仿佛忘却了世间的喧嚣。 在喻家湖畔品茗,不仅可以欣赏到美丽的自然风光,还可以品味到各种茶香。绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、普洱茶……各种茶叶在这里都能找到。茶艺师会根据每位顾客的口味,推荐最适合的茶品。在品味茶香的过程中,人们的心情也随之放松,烦恼与忧愁渐渐消散。 除了品茗,喻家湖畔还有许多其他美景值得一看。湖边的垂柳、翩翩起舞的白鹭、远处的山峦,都让人陶醉。傍晚时分,夕阳西下,余晖洒在湖面上,形成一道美丽的金边。此时,湖畔的茶馆也变得热闹起来,市民们纷纷走出家门,来到这里,享受这美好的时光。 在这个充满诗意的喻家湖畔,我们可以尽情地感受生活的美好。在这里,我们可以放下繁忙的工作,放松心情,与亲朋好友共度欢乐时光。在这里,我们可以品味人生百态,感受岁月静好。 总之,喻家湖畔是一个让人心旷神怡的地方。在这里,我们可以尽情地欣赏美景,品味香茗,感受生活的美好。让我们在繁忙的生活中,找到一片属于自己的宁静之地,让心灵得到片刻的休憩。武汉,这座美丽的城市,正以它独特的魅力,吸引着越来越多的人前来游览、品味。

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