Tianyang realized that the original Kuicheng Chamber of Commerce had broken into such a terrible place.

Tumoshan nervously asked, "What level does the current mother nest belong to?"
Moonlight knew that Tianyang was not clear about this, but before he asked, he wrote, "According to the classification given by the Golden Court, the’ mother nest’ is usually divided into four grades, three grades, the lowest level and the highest level."
"The third-level mother nest means that there are’ breeders’ and a certain scale of evil groups appear."
"The second-grade mother nest is attracted by the’ breeder’, and a large number of ghosts gather in the surrounding areas, and there is a phenomenon of nest migration and mother nest merger."
"The first-level mother nest is where the gods and evil relatives have appeared. The gods and evil relatives are to protect the’ breeder’, and special gods and evil individuals will not leave the mother nest and will wander around the’ breeder’."
"God’s evil parents often have a lot of intelligence, which is different from their evil special abilities. What kind of special abilities they have depends on the’ breeder’. Different’ breeders’ will give the parents different abilities."
"In the level nest, it is simply a disaster. The’ breeder’ attracts the’ taboo species’ and lives in the mother nest. The taboo species are the most terrible individuals in the gods, and their alien cells have left most of the characteristics of the gods."
"Their appearance may be ordinary, but their ability is absolutely terrible. When they are combined with the’ breeder’, it is difficult to clean up the’ mother nest’ unless it is a super fortress or the four major churches."
At this time, Tumo Mountain sounded "Level 3 mother nest has a tendency to grow to Level 2 nest, which is fine, but if we want to grow to Level 2 nest, we can probably do it even if we want to detour. After all, the evil spirits in the surrounding areas have gathered to the mother nest, and there will be a lot of waves around, which may delay our trip."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll unite Silver Tree Castle and nearby Liuguang Castle to mobilize them to organize troops to clean up the mother nest, or they will suffer when the mother nest grows."
"In addition, I don’t know if Miss Moonlight and Liangji have the confidence to assassinate the’ pregnant person’. Without this pillar, the mother’s nest will be in ruins, and no matter how much it is, it will become fragmented."
Chapter 942 Dark jellyfish
Tumoshan is a businessman.
Businessmen won’t do anything unprofitable. Killing the’ incubator’ will bring many benefits to Tumo Mountain. One of them is naturally a name. If the Ruby Chamber of Commerce successfully kills the’ incubator’ and relieves the crisis in this area, the Ruby Chamber of Commerce will be famous in this area.
Tumo Mountain will get a lot from many fortresses, and his position in his own chamber of commerce will rise and fall, and even the first chairman will not be a problem.
Tu Moshan promised to kill the’ pregnant person’ and will give a lot of rewards, including a piece of star crystal and a large number of gold bars, which is enough to worry the second half of the generation.
Moonlight promised to come.
Tianyang wanted to go and see it, so he also took part in the operation.
In Ma Liang, since Tianyang also wanted to take part in the operation, Tu Moshan asked him to stay in charge of the caravan and handed the assassination back to Moonlight and Tianyang.
Immediately after the meeting, Tumo Mountain joined forces with the Ruby Chamber of Commerce in Yinshubao Castle and Liuguang Castle, which caused shock and attention to the two fortresses. They quickly joined forces with other fortresses in the surrounding areas to quickly mobilize their troops and agreed to meet with the Ruby Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible or three days at the latest.
Then let the inkstone guide them to the’ mother’s nest’ and end it before the climate forms.
It’s not too late for them to leave the caravan until the troops arrive the day before yesterday.
"What’s the situation?"
When I saw my car, Su Lie let it go. This is a travel note he bought at Silver Tree Castle to introduce local customs.
Tianyang sat down next to him. "It is said that there is a’ mother nest’ in a small town not far ahead."
"Mother nest? What is the current pole? " Su Lie clearly knew the harmfulness of the’ mother’s nest’. He sat up straight.
Tianyang looked at his knee travel notes and said, "At present, it is level 3, but it has developed to level 2. Tumo Mountain has informed its fortress that several fortresses will form a joint army to arrive in Shiyan these two days, and the troops will be taken to the mother’s nest. Then the fortress joint army will clean up the mother’s nest."
Su Lie nodded. "It is really necessary to clean up the mother nest, which is no worse than its evil nest. If it is left unattended, it will be dangerous to this area and the threat will radiate to further places as the mother nest grows in size."
Tianyang nodded slightly. "Moonlight and I will go to the mother’s nest together in a few days. We are going to assassinate the’ pregnant person’."
Su Lie gave him a look and laughed. "I’m right, right? Girls are older, so it’s comfortable to get along."
Tianyang corners of the mouth twitched "Dad, where are you going? I …"
Knocking at the door rang, and then the fat sound came out. "Tianyang brothers, our boss invited you to come over."
Su Lie whistled, "It’s my son who has only been a few days, so let the moonlight be inseparable from you. Go and don’t disturb me."
Tianyang heard that he almost wanted to shake his head and push the door to Bai Yueguang Hunting Group Magnetic Energy Vehicle with Fusheng.
There is music playing in the car. A few people from Bai Yueguang Hunting Group have set up two parasols outside, set up tables and chairs, and talked about moonlight and gentian chairs. Sun Sun Sun is wearing sunglasses and sitting in the cab, twisting his body with the beat of music from time to time. Liu Ya has set up a stove not far away, and the surface is boiling water. It seems that he is ready to cook.
Tianyang, when they came to Houpang, went to pick up the chef from Liu Ya’s hunting team. He even put a chef’s hat on his head and then put one prepared ingredient in the pot.
Tianyang sat next to the moonlight and the latter smiled and said, "Let’s eat here at noon. Fusheng is going to make a miscellaneous vegetable pot. You can try it."
"Sounds good."
Tianyang nodded and looked at them. "What are you talking about?"

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