There’s nothing about this feature, and there’s no threat if the strength rises faster. Don’t be hit. It’s easy to kill the bull when it turns clumsily.

But for me, this is a rare time in a thousand years. A good baby lives in a bull, and his physical strength rises rapidly, more than twice as fast as his body.
However, Ye Tian, a bull, did not dare to practice outside. If he was seen by those hunting teams, I’m afraid he could not escape the fate of being killed. Therefore, Ye Tian arranged the bull in Bond’s house and was taken care of by West Asia, but people dared to disturb him.
Arriving at Bond’s home and meditating in the secret room, Ye Tian walked directly to the temporary residence without disturbing. As soon as he approached the bullpen, a ripple of jubilant consciousness quickly swung up.
Ye Tian was excited to learn that he had broken through the fourth-order strength and successfully advanced to the fifth order, which means that he can now devour the seventh-order ordinary Warcraft.
Ye Tian was surprised to learn the good news, which is really exaggerated. Maybe the difference between the seven-order and six-order Warcraft is not too big for ordinary people, but it is really too big for Ye Tian, because the adult Griffin is a seven-order creature.
Griffin is a combination of lion and eagle, holding the lion’s body, eagle’s head, eagle’s wings and eagle’s claws, but holding the lion’s limbs. To put it bluntly, the flying lion is a mount of the royal Chinese army in this world
Griffin’s strength is greater than that of the seventh-order creature that can tear tigers and leopards. Ling can spray golden wind blades, and the speed is fast. The vast number of extremely flexible and energy-saving mounts.
Of course, the Griffin also has shortcomings. Although the wind creatures have the characteristics of fast speed and flexible movement, their defense is weak and their load-bearing ability is poor. Although they can ride the Griffin to fly, they can’t travel long distances. Those wings are not enough for long-term peacekeeping flight.
Base in the flight state can be guaranteed for about ten minutes at most, and the flight speed is not high, especially in the load-bearing state. If you want to fly fast in the middle with more than 200 kilograms on your back, it must be a dragon or a dragon, but even the dragon is a ninth-order creature. At present, it is swallowed up.
Of course, after being swallowed, the ability will also be transferred to the Griffin body, which can be displayed more than strong acid injection and sonic impact, so that the wind speed of the Griffin body is absolutely fast and people can’t see the shadow.
Ye Tian is not in a hurry to get together in West Asia at this rare time before he is about to leave for field practice after confirming that he has risen to the fifth order.
Ye Tian gasped in bed, exercised violently, and groaned violently like a lamb in his body. With Ye Tianyi’s strong impact, she was almost unbearable.
Finally, Ye Tian’s breathing is getting more and more intense, and he has gained some experience. He knew that Ye Tian was about to erupt, and suddenly opened his eyes. He tried to explore his arms and pushed Ye Tian to gasp, Don’t be in there.
Unfortunately, before West Asia finished speaking, Ye Tian trembled violently, and West Asia clearly felt a hot flood venting in the deepest part of her body.
Nai back to his arms and hugged Ye Tian’s neck injustice tunnel. You will know that you are happy, no matter what I do if I get pregnant.
Startled one leng Ye Tian felt cold and trembling. Why don’t you want me to have children?
I opened my mouth and pushed Ye Tian a way. Of course I would like you to have a baby, but don’t you know that if I have a baby now, when will I practice?
Ye Tian couldn’t help but be startled when he heard the words of West Asia. Once he had a baby, there would be more Ye Tianke of cutting, no matter if West Asia could, both of them didn’t care that it was necessary to have children.
Looking at Ye Tian and thinking, Lucia continued, if we want to have a baby, we must give him love, but now we obviously can’t do it. Since we can’t do it, don’t let the children come into this world too early. Parents are responsible, aren’t we?
Ye Tian couldn’t help sighing when he heard the words from West Asia. West Asia is so kind. It’s the average woman who cares about enjoying herself at this time. Who cares about heaven?
But Lucia won’t. She has said that if you have a child like that, you should love him and concentrate on taking care of him. If you can’t, then don’t have it.
Ye Tiannai frowned with a wry smile. What should I do? What does it mean to bring it at the last moment?
Alas, Nai sighed and shook his head. Well, I’ll just follow you. Since that’s up to you, I’ll concentrate on raising your children at home.
Moved to hold the smooth body of Sia in her arms, Ye Tianda’s hand was greedy and stroking the smooth jade skin. Although Sia Ken, Ye Tian would not be so selfish about his own happiness and ignore the future of Sia.
Sia is only sixteen years old, and she is still growing up, and now it is the fastest stage of her strength. Once she misses this golden time, it will be difficult to reach the advanced level.
Sigh and shake your head. Well, I’ll think of something. I’ll think of a good way to shoot at your body without getting pregnant.
Ah, I was surprised to see Ye Tianxia. How is this possible? Can this be solved? Unless you are infertile, if you do this, you will definitely get pregnant.
Smiling and shaking his head, Ye Tianlai came to the earth in 149 years. At that time, contraceptive measures were very advanced, and a total of sets of pills were dripped.
In fact, condom contraception is not contraception, but to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Spreading contraception is the real special medicine, but it is an early contraceptive measure. In Ye Tianlai’s era, drip contraceptives were already available.
Dropping contraceptive is a pure natural agent taken from several plants. It is necessary to drop a little special contraceptive liquid on the navel of a woman before each sexual intercourse, so as to directly deliver the drug to the uterus of a woman and force her eggs to fail to implant, thus achieving the purpose of contraception.
This contraceptive method is absolutely toxic, absolutely safe and reliable, which can make people enjoy the most heartily. Living in Ye Tianlai’s time was the only medicine for couples.
Ye Tian’s eyes can’t help but light up at the thought of this. This male and female affair is the most loyal thing for people. There is nothing that can be compared with everyone, regardless of gender, who has to do it repeatedly.
The world is not sexually transmitted diseases, but contraception has become a big problem. I am afraid of pregnancy, so my sex life is compressed and pitiful. Even this gentle woman in West Asia has to refuse Ye Tian’s idea of effective contraceptives. That’s not crazy.
For people in this world, giving them a bottle of birth control pills is equivalent to giving them a beautiful woman. Otherwise, they can’t rest assured that they can enjoy this medicine. How much will it cost and how huge will its profit be?
In the face of Ye Tiandu’s 18 SSS mercenary groups, they are almost excited and crazy. Once the reform is successful, they will become the most powerful mercenary group in the country. Each mercenary group controls hundreds of mercenary groups, and each mercenary group is composed of hundreds of elite mercenary groups.
The most exciting thing for everyone is that they can always buy ingredients from the headquarters at a price limit of silver coins, and then sell them to the 100 chain stores in Qiqi at a price of 3 silver coins each. It is upside down that each PISA earns a net silver coin, which is too fast and too easy.
Everyone knows that Ye Tianlai doesn’t need to let these profits come, not to increase cohesion, but to admit that Ye Tianlai’s winning chain is impregnable.
Looking at the crowd, Ye Tian smiled and said nothing. After the reform, the fact is that 18 mercenary groups have been set up. These 18 mercenary groups are no longer here. Now it seems that they are still called "but with the development of time, one day these 18 mercenary groups will become Ye Tianzhi forces."
What do you mean, firm? Yes, binding in the interest chain is the strongest. When everyone’s interests are consistent, Ye Tian’s will will become an adult’s will.
At present, there are no outsiders in the 18 power classes in the first-class chain of winning. Everyone hopes that Pizza Hut will be good because winning is better. The more money you get, the more money you can get. Although it is not omnipotent, it is close to omnipotent.
And this reform Ye Tian is actually sinister. Imagine that when 18 mercenary groups control hundreds of mercenary groups, will they want to change this degree now? Will they want these mercenary groups to force them?
The answer is obviously more attractive than money, except for beauty. When these 18 mercenary groups want to grasp the power of a mercenary group in the country, the chain rule of winning will inevitably change.

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