I did reverse qi and blood at dusk, and I did control it by my own method, but I forced it by the method of "Golden Needle and Du Jie". I saw the two points of "Rugen", "Shanzhong" and "Tiantu" on my chest plus seven points of the lower abdomen, such as "Qi Hai", "Blood Hai" and "Shenque".

"Lily Du Jie" Gong Qing seems to be startled by this name. Her face is covered with blood and her expression of fear is even more terrible. "Aren’t you afraid of this kind of forbidden art?"
Destiny said, "I’m dying every day because of the reversal of qi and blood. It’s also a pleasure to die if I can be attacked by this."
Gong Qing said, "Hum, it’s not so easy to have a good time. Although Du Jie can forcibly force out the last potential of your body, after three days, the self-destructive force will come and go. The pain is far better than the reversal of Qi and blood by a thousand times."
"You don’t have to worry about this. I have my own way." Destiny pranayama for a long time finally slowed down. He helped Gong Qing, who was already a bloody person, to the tatami and then went to play a basin of hot water. She wiped her face and blood and said, "Come on, I haven’t seen you for more than 20 years. This sudden appearance won’t be as simple as revenging the past."
He’s not okay. He’s got a vendetta against Gong Qing’s anger department. Her eyes are full of resentment, and it seems that she will poke a hundred holes in his body.
"In those days, you still have the face. If you didn’t obey the teacher’s orders and be cruel to our mother and daughter, I will become this pair of people. I’m ashamed all year round! !”
With a gentle shake of the hand of destiny, he was silent for half a ring before saying, "That’s because you stole the" One Pulse Oracle ".The master of art asked me to abolish your martial arts in Nai. In fact, I was trying to let you go quietly. I just had an account in front of the master. I didn’t know you … You quietly contacted Shui Yueji, the guardian of the Japanese dynasty, and stole a pulse Oracle while the master was fighting with her …"
If Qu Yong hears their conversation, he will be shocked, because he has always wanted to know the truth, and now it turns out to be so ugly.
Gong Qing hissed and tried to clap his hands and cried, "That’s a false method. This old bastard deliberately dug a hole and waited for me to jump."
Destiny is "false"
"You don’t pretend." Gong Qinggen didn’t believe that he didn’t know. He sneered, "Your master means you should know better than me. As soon as I get the fake achievement method, I will return to China immediately. Who knows that my master is possessed after practicing, and I am even more half-human, half-ghost."
The rising tide in destiny’s heart brought me back to the palace’s beautiful appearance because of "crossing the valley". Who would have thought that there was such a layer of fake art? He sighed, "My teacher wanted to come and see through my temperament. I knew that I couldn’t marry myself, so I had already prepared a fake achievement method for her to steal … his old man’s house …………."
"That year has passed and now you are trying to deal with what I want … is it …" Destiny suddenly woke up and said, "Do you want QuYong! So you still want a true metaphor. "
"Ha ha ha ha! It’s too late for you, and now he’s afraid he’ll fall into the hands of the vegetable and say that he’d rather die than give me a message. I’ll get it from him! " Gong Qing saw that he had guessed it and made a vicious laugh. "Only a true metaphor can repair my appearance. I said that all this must be rewarded."
"You … this is the real purpose of your diversion … but I don’t understand why you didn’t directly arrest me more than three years ago." Destiny was about to speak when he heard another person slowly say that the speaker was, of course, Qu Yong. He came in from the stormy door with a smile on his face. Although he was soaked all over, his smile was full of confidence.
"You … can’t …" Gong Qing saw QuYong as if he had seen a ghost, and he was more disappointed than frightened and screamed, "Can’t twelve gunmen still hold you?"
"Maybe I shouldn’t be doomed."
It turned out that QuYong heard more than ten guns, only to find that the river suddenly turned red and stinked, and all those frogmen were killed and lost their lives, but one shot accidentally injured him.
At this time, someone on the shore shouted, "Qu Jun, we are waiting for the help of the Black Dragon Society."
Chapter four hundred Fire can lotus
"The Black Hawk will thank you …" Qu Yong didn’t want to think about it. He had dived into the muddy river to catch up with the first man.
The man originally wanted to design and kill Qu Yong, but the situation was reversed in an instant. She did not hesitate to dive and wanted to escape first.
"Want to go" Qu Yong is much faster in the water than he is on the shore. Touching the water, he twists and turns like a fish and rushes over.
The man escaped from the bottom of the water and kicked a big stone at the bottom of the river with his left foot, and then the thief slipped a trick to deceive himself by "Hongyan out of the group"
Qu Yong saw that she was ferocious and wanted to give it a try. He just learned a trick. He recovered his hands and pressed ten fingers in his abdomen to change rapidly. Then he formed a gesture in the shape of a flame at nine sensitive acupuncture points near the abdomen.
Then the flame flashed "bang", and the water at the bottom of the river seemed to be shattered into several pieces. At that moment, it was a beautiful scene that caught the eye of the retina, and it was the lotus flower.
Some people say that the most beautiful moment of flowers lies in the moment of blooming.
Now Qu Yong’s hand flame blooms into a beautiful lotus flower, and suddenly Qu Yong stands on tiptoe, pulls up his waist and shoulders, and puts on a vigor before his hand, as if this lotus flower suddenly blooms outward.
The river rolled violently, but obviously it didn’t. Qu Yong heard the violent noise in his ears and the blood in his body was crazy and rushing in the blood vessels.
If Dan Jin is able to condense qi and blood into the enemy’s face a little bit, then this trick of "fire lotus" is to drain the vitality of the human department to a little point and "bang" it blooms in the enemy’s body. It is conceivable that this strength is as great as this explosive force is as terrible.
The so-called "tortoise and snake dish is strong in life, but it can grow golden lotus in fire"
This is the first move that destiny combined with life experience gave Qu Yong.
Qu Yong felt that his mind would be pulled out with the lotus blossom. His hands were everywhere, and the river cracked wildly. The oncoming big stone broke into thousands of pieces when it touched, and then the man’s palm.
That man is also a first-class master, but she underestimated QuYong’s strength. In her mind, QuYong was still that dark strength, and she could get it at her fingertips. Who knows that QuYong’s first move was this kind of great trick? She was caught off guard and wanted to flicker, but she couldn’t come to the root. The moment when the lotus bloomed in this fire, the brilliance was as fast as Mars crossed the deep night.

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