After a few days, Qiao Xinwei went to the company while feeling better. Both Zhu Rui and Li Qianwei went on their honeymoon and went to several big projects. It was a rare relaxation for the planning department this month.

Qiao Xin only went in and heard Shen Yanqing shout there, "I am a group of temporary team leaders who strongly despise you. Can you hurry up?"
Pan Yingying "hurried her way back"
Qiao Xinwei wondered for a while, and then she heard a sentence that made her laugh. Shen Yanqing said, "Which company is complaining about sending a pizza so slowly?"
Qiao Xinwei walked in and shouted in surprise, "You were caught ordering takeout during work hours, but you have to deduct the bonus." There was a great silence in the office. At this moment, she suddenly turned the conversation and said, "The audience has a piece for me."
Everyone is a false alarm.
Shen Yanqing "Why are you here?"
"Can’t I come to class?"
"Oh, ok, when are you leaving?"
Qiao Xinwei can honestly explain that "my husband is doing something nearby, so I just came out for a walk. I will go when he is done."
Shen Yanqing joked, "Oh, you just came for pizza, didn’t you?"
Pan Yingying said, "Oh, it’s better for a woman to learn well and do well than to marry well."
Shen Yanqing said bluntly, "If you are such a haggard and vain woman, those rich brothers will not look down on you."
Pan Yingying became angry from embarrassment. "Shen Yanqing, get out of here."
"Ha, ha, ha, angry means I was right. Hey, Pan Yingying is still dreaming. You also have to work hard to be an independent woman, otherwise? ? Gee? ?”
Pan Yingying took the file in his hand and took it directly to Shen Yanqing to "roll".
Men and women bicker. In fact, men are joking, but women often take it seriously. When men say something casually, it often hurts women deeply and remembers it hard.
In a short time, the pizza arrived soon, and six pizzas were divided up as soon as possible.
Shen Yanqing ate and said, "It’s the turn of the three groups to treat. What do you want to eat first?"
Qiao Xinwei doesn’t talk nonsense with them. She came to the office for a purpose. It’s more convenient for her to sit in her place and talk when she turns around.
"Xi Xue hasn’t had much to do recently, has he?"
Xi Xue smiled. "Do you think we are in a busy state? Working overtime every day next month makes people stupid. We can also relax when the leaders have a rest this month."
"Hehe, it’s also two leaders, but it’s rare that we have a famous worker in our prosperous time, and they will make sense and go on their honeymoon."
Xi Xue saw her eating happily and asked, "Only you can eat pizza."
"Yes, why not?"
"My cousin is pregnant and doesn’t eat these fast foods at all. My aunt cooks them for her three times a day."
"The principle is best not to eat, but it’s nothing to eat occasionally. Your cousin is pregnant. Why don’t you get married?"
Xi Xue almost gushed out, "Ahem, first, my cousin’s children are in kindergarten; second, how can I get married without a boyfriend? Finally, if you come to show off to me, I want to say that I despise your line."
Qiao Xinwei ate and laughed. She sat in a skirt with legs and knees. Pizza and shrimp fell directly on her skirt bit by bit, and the picture was really drunk. Xi Xue was dumbfounded.
"Joe heart only you really? ? How can your husband stand you? "
"Ha, ha, ha, I’m sorry to make you laugh, but don’t say my husband loves this one."
“? ?” Xi Xue simply speaks the world of pregnant women. She doesn’t understand this single dog.
Qiao Xinwei wiped it with a paper towel and finished eating it. It’s time to get down to business. She squatted down to Xi Xue’s desk and asked, "Xi Xue, you are not young. It’s time to talk about someone. What do you think of Chen Jingye? He is the person who leads the wedding and comes to your desk."
"no" Xi Xue almost blurted out, "Do you want to introduce me to someone who is reliable? That kind of rude man will make me feel sick."
“? ?” Qiao Xinwei was speechless on the spot. Indeed, she once felt that Chen Jingye was sick. It was disgusting to cheat on Yun Qing and Zhou Xiaoyi. But it’s been so long. Does Xi Xue know about it?
Xi Xue couldn’t help but spit it out as soon as he spoke. "You certainly don’t know how much he deliberately burned my skirt with cigarettes that day and insisted that I drink. I said that he still insisted on paying for my skirt. Is it amazing if I have money? Later, he sent me a text message asking me out. I don’t know who gave him my number. It really pissed me off. I have never seen such a disgusting and low-level man."
"This this? ? There’s a misunderstanding here. "Fortunately, when she asked, she said, I told Chen Jingye several times that he didn’t act. It was not Chen Jingye who didn’t act, but Xi Xue who didn’t accept it.
"I know that he is your husband’s friend, but you may not know him yet. People like him can’t be friends. You must ask your husband to stay away from such friends."
What can Qiao Xinwei say? She can laugh. Xi Xue is a very independent person who doesn’t blindly follow or make arbitrary conclusions, but she has such a deep prejudice against Chen Jingye.
"Ahem, Xi Xue, in fact, you don’t know him. He just has a poor mouth after drinking." How much still has to be explained-she suddenly felt sorry for Chen Jingye.
Xi Xue immediately interrupted her, "If you don’t take it off, you must never introduce such people to others, which will harm others."
“? ?” Chen jingye, Chen jingye, how can I say hello? It’s not that you meet bad girls, but that you scare away all the good girls by your own style. I also want to prepare a dinner party to familiarize you again. It seems that you can’t.
At this time, Jiang Hao’s words came. She was leaving. After everyone said goodbye, Pan Yingying came over with a pizza box and said, "Xin Wei, there is still one piece left. Do you want it?"
"Thank you. That’s enough for me."
"Then take it back to your son and I’ll pack it for you."
"No, no, you eat."
Pan Yingying has packed everything and asked her to take it away. She also politely helped her to the front of the ladder. Qiao Xinwei was puzzled by her excessive enthusiasm. Just now, she was sour. Why are you buttering up now?
"Let me ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Are you familiar with Chen Jingye?"
See, there’s a scam
Chapter one hundred Light bulbs
Chapter one hundred Light bulbs
Pan Yingying knew what she meant by Qiao Xinwei. Some people’s intentions were so obvious. "I really don’t know my husband and friends with Chen Jingye."
"Your husband has a lot of friends. Introduce me to your kindness."
“? ?” Qiao Xinwei was extremely embarrassed. Ruan Bin and Chen Jingye this time. Pan Yingying has a good eye for singles. "Chen Jingye is a little old and married."
Pan Yingying said, "I know that his wife died in a car accident a few years ago. In recent years, I have been mixing the number of friends. I thought I couldn’t control him, but I don’t know until I try. Maybe he really wants me to change, don’t you think?"
Uh? ? You are too narcissistic, aren’t you? Joe’s heart is the only black line.
"Tell me about Xin Wei. He had a good impression on me at the wedding reception that day, and he talked and laughed with me. I also had a good impression on him. I just missed a matchmaker."
Joe had to promise to "okay, I’ll sound him out and see if I can give him your number."
"That’s great. It’s good to be alone with you."
Qiao Xinwei gave a quick laugh. "Here comes the ladder. I’ll go first."
"Give my regards to your husband and children."
Lou Jianghao is sitting on the sofa in the lobby, waiting for her. She likes vanilla ice cream at hand, but it is the smallest one.
From the moment she stepped out of the ladder, his eyes never left her. No matter how long it was, he saw that her eyes were full of tenderness and love.
"Why did you bring a copy in your hand?" Jiang Hao quipped that it was a pizza hut takeaway box. "It’s crazy that Zhu Rui and Li Qianwei are not here."
"They rarely relax-you care so much."
Jiang Hao shook his head. "I don’t care. I’m thinking that since you’ve already eaten junk food, you’re not allowed to eat it."

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阳光透过稀疏的云层,洒在江边的小径上,微风轻拂,带来阵阵江水的清新。我沿着江边漫步,一路欣赏着这美丽的景色,突然感到一阵疲惫,便找了一块平坦的石头坐下,享受这难得的小憩时光。 江水悠悠,波光粼粼,仿佛在诉说着古老的故事。我闭上眼睛,感受着微风拂过脸颊的温柔,耳畔传来江水拍打岸边的声音,宛如一曲动人的乐章。在这宁静的江边,我仿佛置身于一个与世隔绝的世界,心情也变得格外舒畅。 正当我沉浸在这份宁静中时,一阵茶香飘来,打破了周围的宁静。我睁开眼睛,只见一位茶艺师正在不远处忙碌着。她身着素雅的汉服,手持茶具,手法熟练地将茶叶放入茶壶,然后注入热水,只见茶叶在水中翻滚,逐渐展开,犹如一幅美丽的画卷。 茶艺师缓缓地拿起茶杯,轻啜一口,然后微笑着递给我。我接过茶杯,茶香浓郁,入口甘甜。这茶仿佛有着神奇的魔力,让我心中的疲惫一扫而空,只剩下宁静和愉悦。 我放下茶杯,看着茶艺师熟练地泡茶,心中不禁对她产生了敬意。她不仅泡得一手好茶,更懂得如何在繁忙的生活中寻找一份宁静。我想,这就是茶的魅力吧,它能够让人在喧嚣的世界中找到片刻的安宁。 小憩过后,我重新踏上征程。江边的风景依旧美丽,但我却感受到了一种不同的韵味。这韵味来自于茶,更来自于那份宁静和从容。 茶,是一种文化,也是一种生活方式。它不仅仅是一种饮品,更是一种心灵的寄托。在忙碌的生活中,我们不妨放下手中的忙碌,泡一壶茶,静静地品味其中的韵味,让自己在忙碌中找到一份宁静。 江边小憩,茶香醉人。这一刻,我仿佛明白了生活的真谛。在这个快节奏的时代,我们需要学会放慢脚步,去感受生活中的美好,去品味生活中的茶香。只有这样,我们才能在纷繁复杂的世界中找到属于自己的那份宁静和快乐。

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