A few miles to his right, there is also a ship that surveys the seven treasures of the sky. The bow of the ship is a sea dragon with ferocious fangs.

This is the Haizhou Laurence family consumed half of the inside information to build the Hailong, which arrived in southern Xinjiang a day ago, with Tu Su as the captain and Tu Sujia Laurence family sharing half the manpower.
Following the snake repair operation is not only a kind of training, but also represents the embryonic form of the patrol army.
Both ships are commanding the building ship, the Xuanjiao Chijun, which has been built in Yongan, plus the follow-up ships, fighting ships and going Ge …
At this time of the year, the patrol army will begin to take shape.
But it is another matter that he is more concerned at the moment.
Wei Youdi secretly transported things from Yin to the outside, even ignoring the big conspiracy to make trouble for them.
After half-scented incense, another ghost turned into a scorched earth.
Most of the ghost tribes cultivate a tall tree in the rainforest, dig the trunk and manipulate the vines to form a crisscross like a honeycomb, which is covered by a large array and defended by insects.
In the center of the gathering place is a huge altar built of bluestone.
At this time, several immortals in Wang Xuan, the altar, have looked down at the statue in the center of the altar.
Just like what I saw that day, this statue is graceful, with a red cloth on its head and torn face. There is only one hole full of fangs in her facial features.
"This is the goddess of the cave."
Guangyuan Zhenjun said, "According to the classics in my teaching, in ancient times, girls were often sacrificed to evil gods and magical powers. When they grew up, they would demonize the servants, and the ignorance of the world called the mountain gods to marry."
"These cave women are all terran women, and they look like ghosts. The evil gods are afraid that they are also ancient caves, and the remnants of the gods are hidden in the nether cave goddess to manipulate the ghosts."
With a sneer, "if you don’t directly intervene, it’s a loophole in heaven. If there is still a true fairy heaven in this world, how can this happen?"
They are now largely white.
The so-called dogma is a powerful magic weapon that can cover all circles. There are many loopholes that need the power of heaven to make up.
However, all the true immortals who sheltered this world have died, and only one old dragon was suppressed. A remnant soul in Wanlong Cave lived in God and dared not stir up trouble again.
In this case, there are naturally evil spirits peeping.
Dugu Nuo mused, "Is it that this ghost family worships the true fairy and is the third person to spy on our world?"
Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "Wei Youdi can be driven at will, which match the glass Buddha of the underworld."
After talking, I asked the side, "Where is it?"
The clan leader of this tribe, the Ghost Lao clan, has been pricked by a bound needle. If he doesn’t speak, his mouth is full of yellow teeth, and his eyes are full of resentment.
Guangyuan Zhenjun looked at his eyes and suddenly they were golden.
This ghost Lao clan patriarch was lost in a flash, and his eyes were confused, and his mouth was full of an ancient language with tongue sounds, which seemed to curse someone maliciously.
"Gentlemen, this is witchcraft."
Wu Guo, the head of the witch family, saw everyone frown and quickly explained, "This language has been learned in recording the secret words of the royal family of the ancient witch country since the Seventeen Kingdoms."
"He said that a few days ago, many witchcraft sacrifices were held, and Wei Youdi took something out of Yin and will take it in the future."
Pointing to the idol, he said, "Things are hidden in the ground of the pedestal of the idol. They said that after it was brought to him, the people in the clan would have nightmares and strange diseases, and the ancestors would suppress it."
Guangyuan Zhenjun heard the news and strode to the idol.
They seemed to hear a squeal female scream, and then there was a strange force spreading outward from the giant mouth of the idol’s head with fangs.
Guangyuan Zhenjun’s face remains the same. One-handed kneading method is used to sink a way: "Taitai Star should be alert, stop wisdom and have peace of mind …"
It is Taiyi Sect that takes the golden light mantra as the most protective method.
This spell is even more powerful when you come from a true gentleman in Guangyuan.
He was covered with golden light, and a huge aperture appeared behind him. Every step of his foot, a golden lotus light scattered like a fairy god arrival.
The foul air around became refreshing, and everyone seemed to smell a fragrance, and then the air burst like a few insects were trampled.
Just like Wang Xuanwan robbed the divine protector, the goddess of this cave was also cursed by the spell method, accompanied by a big stream of blood flowing out of the head of the screaming idol, and then it crashed and burst.
Guangyuan Zhenjun looks the same with a wave of his big sleeve.
The ground of the statue square bluestone suddenly collapsed to reveal a deep hole, and the centipede surged outward.
But the abnormality also appears with it.
It seems that there is no idol to suppress a stream of resentment and evil thoughts, and all centipedes struggle and twist to death.
Wu Guo, the head of the Wu family, quickly retreated when his face changed.
A few fairy natural not afraid of Wang Xuan also run all robbery shekinah protector eyebrows slightly wrinkled looking at the front.
Seeing that Zhen Jun of Guangyuan entered the cave, he came out with a stone box covered with all kinds of stone symbols and bone and tooth pendants, all of which were evil spirits of the ghost family.
"ah! Ah! "
The head of the clan of Ghost Lao seems to have seen something terrible, screaming and retreating, and soon the veins stood out all over the body like ancient runes.
He was so scared that he suddenly passed out with blood in his mouth.
"Gee …"
Dugu Nuo shook his head and said, "It’s better to destroy it as early as possible if it’s really unknown because the ghost Lao clan is cruel."
Guangyuan Zhenjun’s face was calm and heavy. "You will stand back for a while and find out what you know about Wei Youdi’s plot."
They smell speech immediately turned back.
Wang Xuan also operates at the same time, robbing the divine protector Candle dragon’s eyes.
See Guangyuan Zhenjun once again cast a golden spell to tear off the seal of the ghost family and beat the stone box slowly.
Suddenly lotus flower scattered with malice.
Wang Xuanzheng is running Candle dragon’s eyes. This method is quite extraordinary, and he feels extremely sensitive. He is suddenly caught in a dreamland by this resentment.
He seemed to see a bloody lake, but it was desperate and dark. A woman was standing in a bloody lake, with her head lowered and her head bowed. She wore a decadent black robe and showed her arms, showing a disturbing pallor …
"get out!"
Wang Xuan a cold hum hurriedly retreat.
He was as crazy as iron, but he didn’t expect to be caught.
The leader of Xuanyuan looks ugly and sounds bitter. "This is the trouble that Emperor Wei, the heavenly demon, wants to transport this thing from Yin!"
Wang Xuan saw again that the stone box was full of thick plasma, and a pale meat ball was creeping slowly.
His eyes became dignified.

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