"I don’t know" that pro-guard bowed his head.

"Let’s go and see who’s here and ask him to come over. We still need an explanation from him." Liang Yuan rattled his teeth at the wonderful way around him.
The tip is that he looks ugly at this time. He belongs to the palm of his hand and naturally knows that the defeat is ugly at this time. If there is a little reinforcements to contain the South Yuan soldiers, the ending will definitely be different.
Tip didn’t speak, his face was livid, and he walked out of the camp and walked towards the camp where Xue Ju lived.
"What person?" Far away, soldiers shouted.
The coup is somber. "Being original is a peaceful way. Brother asks your Lord to speak."
When the soldier heard this, he hurriedly said, "It turned out to be the leader of Taiping Road, and he will come back later."
Xue Juduan, the big account of Zhongjun, squinted at the glass and tasted the wine in it. Suddenly, there was a pro-health voice outside the general’s camp. "There is a Taiping Taoist priest who asks for an audience."
Xue Ju one leng and then said, "Call him in."
It wasn’t long before I saw that the big tent was suddenly lifted. Looking at a face of intoxication and holding a glass, Xue Ju suddenly turned red. "It was you."
"Oh, it’s a wonderful method. Teacher younger brother, why are you so angry?" Xue Ju slowly raised his glass and opened his eyes. This wonderful method naturally made them meet each other when he met the teachings.
Looking at the unhurried Xue Ju’s wonderful method, he blushed and his neck was thick. Finally, he said coldly, "All the soldiers in Hanshui River are dead. Brothers, please go over there."
With that, he suddenly turned and lifted the curtain and left angrily.
"pa!" The glass fell to the ground and rolled in a copper cup, but it didn’t attract Xue Ju’s attention. Where did Xue move stiffly? Then he suddenly sat up. "How could the defeat be so bad? This is bad or the army was wiped out. This is a terrible mistake."
At this time, Xue Ju is still in a hot pot, and the ant camp is pacing back and forth according to his plan. Jade Duxiu is a magic weapon, and it can last for ten days and a half months at worst. You should know that it is a magic weapon. Wei Neng is poor, and even if it is defeated, it can protect most of the strength. Then Jade Duxiu’s brother was wounded in the war, and when he was defeated, he would have an excuse to annex the other side’s troops to enhance his strength. Do you know whether to rescue most of the credit or to Xue Ju’s wonderful show?
The idea is good, but it is defeated. This is why Xue Ju can’t be rude.
"Don’t go yet" I don’t know when to return again.
"Go, go, go" Xue Ju one leng footsteps vain body strength seems to be a moment to draw the army wiped out, this time in big trouble.
"I’ve seen your brothers and sisters." Lift the tent and look at the first jade show, then look at the grim-faced Liang Yuan and glare at his classmate Xue Ju and bow down quickly.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with black and white light, too forgetful to operate, and closed his eyes without saying a word.
Liang Yuan suddenly got up and stepped in front of Xue Ju, grabbed Xue Ju’s neckline and said, "Are you in charge of this large-scale sergeant?"
Looking at Liang Yuan that want to swallow eyes Xue Ju some guilty, he knew that this time to play big hand nature can’t get up and bowed their heads and said "yes".
"bang!" Liang Yuan suddenly pushed the Xue Ju stumbled into one side of the case.
Liang went back to his seat, turned around and glared at him. "Let me ask you, did you stop the 50 thousand troops from trying to rescue?"
Xue Ju opened his mouth for a long time before he said, "The duty of fifty thousand military forces in bulk is to guard the bulk. Naturally, it can’t be easily mobilized. Otherwise, I’ll persuade hundreds of military forces to go out for rescue." Isn’t it necessary to leave 50 thousand guards to disperse? "
"You still care. Since you said rescue, let me ask you something. You have been here for more than ten days, but nothing has happened?" Liang Yuanqi directly kicked the front case a few times.
"I …" Xue Ju opened his mouth and said nothing after all.
"Ha, ha, ha." Liang Yuan was so angry and laughed. "Are you satisfied with the defeat of Hanshui River now?"
The Cold Water River War is important. This time, Liang Yuan, the deity, did not hesitate to personally slaughter ordinary people. It is understandable that he paid a lot for the cause and effect.
"Brother Hanshui River is defeated, but we still have a big natural barrier to defend. More than 100,000 soldiers are waiting for the army to be ready. It is also easy for us to make our 100,000 troops do their best to break into Hanshui River again." Xue Ju hurriedly said.
Liang Yuan one leng turned his head to look at Yu Duxiu’s eyes and flashed a bit of hope. Xue Ju said that it is good that there are 150,000 military forces here, and there are more natural barriers to defend Yu Duxiu’s strength. It is obvious to all that if we counterattack again, it may not be hopeless.
Xue Ju’s words fell into a big tent. All the monks turned their eyes to Jade Duxiu and Jade Duxiu’s fingers tapped on the table. The tone was unhurried, unhurried, unhurried, unhurried, unhurried, unhurried, unhurried and unhurried. "When you March to fight, you are precious, but you don’t have time to accompany you to play March to fight. How many people died in this cold water river? How big is the causal karma? But it’s a mistake. You don’t have to worry about it if you don’t have a seat. If you want to play, you are not in the mood to play with you. "
Jade Duxiu’s tone is slow, but it is firm.
Because the fruit industry is so powerful, all the people are hesitant.
Seeing this, Xue Ju quickly said, "Brothers, if we can defeat the enemy, we can naturally seal the karma of cause and effect."
When the monks’ eyes lit up, they were all burning with hope.
"Summer insects can’t speak in winter. It’s still up to you. Liang Yuan says that the sky-rocketing seat won’t play with you. All the causes and effects are your responsibility. You have to find a way to solve it yourself. Just don’t pull the seat. It’s a fairy road, not a shinto road." Jade Duxiu said with his eyes closed.
Chapter 22 Who has lived? hardball
Jade Duxiu closed his eyes and never opened them, but who can see the anger in Jade Duxiu’s eyes? If it weren’t for being too forgetful, he kept cutting off the seven emotions. At this time, Jade Duxiu would have to nullify this Xue Ju.
The good situation is ruined by this person. It’s even worse to teach people. Besides, Yu Duxiu hates this Xue Ju to the extreme. It’s never possible for Yu Duxiu to help him wipe his ass.
"Brother Xue Ju said that there is no reason not to consider one." Liang Yuan looked at Yu Duxiu. Although his heart was full of anger for Xue Ju, he had to help him persuade Yu Duxiu because of the overall situation.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes slowly wiped with cold light, as if to freeze the big account. "If you want to send troops if you have the heart, you just want to pull a seat unless Cycas."
Close your eyes.
When we have been together for such a long time, everyone has already got to know each other. When you see this, all your brothers lament that Jade Duxiu is absolutely impossible, and no one can make him change his mind.
"This Xue Ju really annoyed Brother Miao Xiu". The younger brothers looked at Xue Ju’s eyes and flashed disgust.
"Brother …" Liang Yuan wanted to say it again, but he saw that Jade Duxiu held out his hand and made a move to stop it.
"Brother Miao Xiu really doesn’t think about it." Xue Ju looked up and looked straight at the jade solo voice, revealing a chill.
If he is defeated, Xue Ju won’t want to be better.

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