When it comes to what Lu You finds incredible, he will ask Wang Qi to speak more carefully and listen to him repeatedly to draw his own conclusions.

It was not until midnight that Lu You apologized to Wang Qi for delaying his rest.
Wang qi shook his head.
"I’m very happy to talk with Deputy Lu, who has the same interests. I hope there will be such an opportunity later. Do you want to know if I know anything about Deputy Lu?"
"If so, thank you very much."
Lu You laughed. "I think I should be able to sleep after a long night’s sleep with your honesty."
The two said goodbye to each other and returned to their respective rooms to prepare for a rest.
Lu You is going to return to his room to rest with inexplicable excitement.
After listening to many things about China, Lu You felt that he could understand many things that he could not understand in Hongwu Political Theory.
He felt that he gradually understood how difficult and dangerous Su Yonglin was doing, and how Su Yonglin insisted on doing it.
He kept telling himself not to believe what others said easily, but he couldn’t say that he didn’t believe it because it was too true to him.
He felt that he must find an opportunity to go to the people to see the real situation in person, and he must see it with his own eyes.
Whether all this was done by the real country or not, whether so many people died out of absolute justice or not, he had to see it with his own eyes
With this in mind, he climbed to the second floor, and at the corner of the stairs, he saw it and looked at him inexplicably, Yu Yunwen.
"Danger and you …"
"It seems that you are having a good chat with Master Wang?"
"I …"
Lu You was in a panic for no reason and didn’t know how to answer Yu Yunwen’s question.
Reasoning, he felt that he had done nothing wrong, but chatted with Wang Qi and didn’t disclose the news of the Southern Song Dynasty. Instead, he got a lot of news from him.
So he calmed down.
"We told us to explore the real situation of the country a lot, so I just found the king and beat about the bush and asked some news about the country."
"oh? Is this the case? "
Yu Yunwen deeply looked at Lu You and stared at him and stopped talking.
For a long time, when Lu You felt weak, Yu Yunwen finally spoke
"It’s good that you can remember yourself. I don’t think your court official should make mistakes with him … don’t get too close to the Chinese. I’m done here."
With that, Yu Yunwen turned and walked to the door of his room. At last, he took a look at Lu You and pushed the door and entered his room.
Chapter 9 The construction site in China is different from that in the Southern Song Dynasty.
After Yu Yunwen left Lu you corridor, he settled down for a while and went back to his room and opened the door.
He is not sure whether Yu Yunwen just saw himself sitting and chatting with Wang Qi or heard the chat?
If you see it, it’s so-called asking for information to prevaricate the past.
But if he hears the chat …
He has heard that Yu Yunwen Privy Council officials have a tough stance on China, and they are very tough and very disgusted with China. It would be a bit bad for him to know that he is talking to Wang Qi.
I don’t know how he will report to Chen Kangbo and the court what he has done.
Will the imperial court therefore examine itself and investigate itself?
Lu you is a little uneasy.
But he also felt that if Yu Yunwen knew that he had just talked to Wang Qi, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so easy for him to pass Yu Yunwen, and he wouldn’t give himself a piece of advice after that: "Don’t get too close to Chinese people."
If he is going to report himself, there is no need to give himself such a warning
So he probably didn’t hear anything because he saw himself talking to Wang Qi and had some doubts about himself.
No real hammer
So comfort yourself Lu You, and then lie on the bed with complicated emotions.
When he was lying in his head with all kinds of emotions, he bumped his head in a short time, dizzy and exhausted.
So he fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed.
In the next few days, Lu You didn’t have any chance to meet and talk with Wang Qi alone, but Yu Yunwen didn’t seem to have any special reaction. As always, when the three of them got together to talk about things in China privately, there was nothing special.
Lu You gradually became convinced that Yu Yunwen really didn’t hear himself talking to Wang Qi, but only after seeing that scene did he react.
He began to feel at ease, instead of continuing to observe Yu Yunwen, he focused his attention on the observer country.
When they went to Jinan, they passed through the renovation site of the old Yellow River. Both Chen Kangbo and Yu Yunwen were very interested in asking if Wang Qi could go and see it.

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漫步在武汉的喻家湖畔,微风轻拂,湖面波光粼粼,宛如一幅浓墨重彩的画卷。这里不仅是市民休闲娱乐的好去处,更是品茗赏景的绝佳之地。在这个春意盎然的季节,让我们一同沉浸在这如诗如画的武汉美景中,感受生活的惬意。 喻家湖,位于武汉市江夏区,是当地著名的湖泊之一。湖水清澈见底,湖岸绿树成荫,鸟语花香。每当阳光洒在湖面上,波光粼粼,宛如一条银色的丝带,穿梭在绿意盎然的湖畔。置身于此,仿佛能听到大自然的声音,感受到岁月的沉淀。 漫步湖畔,脚下是细软的沙石,耳边是悠扬的鸟鸣,眼前是一片生机勃勃的景象。湖边的茶馆,古色古香,散发着淡淡的茶香。这里聚集了许多喜欢品茗的市民,他们或悠闲地品着香茗,或低声细语,享受着这宁静的时光。 走进茶馆,一股暖意扑面而来。店内布置典雅,古筝悠扬,茶艺师身着汉服,手法娴熟地泡制着一壶又一壶的香茗。茶叶在热水的滋养下,慢慢舒展开来,犹如一幅幅精美的画卷。品茗的市民们或闭目养神,或交谈甚欢,仿佛忘却了世间的喧嚣。 在喻家湖畔品茗,不仅可以欣赏到美丽的自然风光,还可以品味到各种茶香。绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、普洱茶……各种茶叶在这里都能找到。茶艺师会根据每位顾客的口味,推荐最适合的茶品。在品味茶香的过程中,人们的心情也随之放松,烦恼与忧愁渐渐消散。 除了品茗,喻家湖畔还有许多其他美景值得一看。湖边的垂柳、翩翩起舞的白鹭、远处的山峦,都让人陶醉。傍晚时分,夕阳西下,余晖洒在湖面上,形成一道美丽的金边。此时,湖畔的茶馆也变得热闹起来,市民们纷纷走出家门,来到这里,享受这美好的时光。 在这个充满诗意的喻家湖畔,我们可以尽情地感受生活的美好。在这里,我们可以放下繁忙的工作,放松心情,与亲朋好友共度欢乐时光。在这里,我们可以品味人生百态,感受岁月静好。 总之,喻家湖畔是一个让人心旷神怡的地方。在这里,我们可以尽情地欣赏美景,品味香茗,感受生活的美好。让我们在繁忙的生活中,找到一片属于自己的宁静之地,让心灵得到片刻的休憩。武汉,这座美丽的城市,正以它独特的魅力,吸引着越来越多的人前来游览、品味。

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随着生活节奏的加快,人们对休闲生活的追求也越来越高。在繁忙的工作之余,享受一杯香茗,已经成为许多人生活中不可或缺的一部分。武汉市,这座历史与现代交融的城市,不仅有着丰富的茶文化底蕴,更提供了便捷的上门服务,让茶香弥漫至每一个温馨的家。 武汉的茶文化源远流长,从古至今,茶在这里都是文人墨客雅集的必备之物。如今,随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始关注茶的品质和口感。而在繁忙的都市生活中,谁不想在家中就能享受到一杯好茶带来的惬意呢? 武汉市喝茶上门服务应运而生,将传统茶艺与现代服务相结合,为消费者提供了一站式的茶饮体验。专业的茶艺师,精选的茶叶,舒适的茶具,这一切都旨在为消费者带来最完美的茶香体验。 上门服务的茶艺师,经过专业培训,对茶的种类、泡制方法、茶道文化都有深入了解。他们可以根据消费者的口味偏好,推荐合适的茶叶,并现场演示泡茶过程,让消费者在享受茶香的同时,也能感受到茶文化的魅力。 在武汉市,无论是高端的绿茶、红茶,还是独特的黄茶、白茶,都能在家门口轻松享受到。专业的茶艺师会根据茶叶的特性,选择合适的泡茶工具,确保茶汤的色泽、香气和口感达到最佳状态。 除了泡茶,上门服务还提供茶具清洗、茶艺表演等增值服务。茶艺师们会携带齐全的茶具,为消费者提供一整套的茶艺体验。在家中,消费者就能享受到在茶馆中才有的氛围。 此外,武汉市喝茶上门服务还注重细节。他们提供定制化的服务,可以根据消费者的需求,提供个性化的茶饮方案。无论是商务洽谈,还是家庭聚会,一杯好茶都能为气氛加分。 在家享受喝茶上门服务,不仅省去了消费者外出购茶的烦恼,更让茶香弥漫在家的每一个角落。想象一下,在周末的午后,阳光透过窗户洒在茶几上,一杯热气腾腾的茶,一卷喜欢的书籍,这是何等的惬意。 在武汉市,喝茶上门服务已经成为一种时尚。无论是忙碌的上班族,还是悠闲的退休老人,都能在家中找到属于自己的茶香时光。随着生活品质的提升,这种便捷、舒适的服务方式必将在武汉市得到更广泛的推广和喜爱。

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近日,武汉茶文化养生论坛群举办了一场别开生面的茶艺知识普及讲座,吸引了众多茶艺爱好者和茶文化研究者的关注。本次讲座由知名茶艺师、茶文化专家主讲,旨在为广大茶友普及茶艺知识,提升茶文化素养。 讲座现场,茶艺师首先向茶友们介绍了我国茶文化的悠久历史和丰富内涵。从唐代陆羽的《茶经》到现代茶文化的传承与发展,茶艺师详细阐述了茶道、茶艺、茶德等茶文化核心要素。茶友们听得津津有味,纷纷感叹茶文化的博大精深。 接下来,茶艺师从茶叶的分类、品质、产地等方面,深入浅出地讲解了各类茶叶的特点。她指出,茶叶分为六大类:绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶叶都有其独特的风味和养生功效。茶友们了解到,绿茶具有抗氧化、提神醒脑的作用;红茶则有助于消化、降脂;乌龙茶具有提神、减肥的功效;白茶则具有清热解毒、提神醒脑的作用;黄茶和黑茶则具有养胃、助消化等功效。 在茶艺表演环节,茶艺师现场展示了泡茶、品茶、赏茶、鉴茶的技巧。她将茶叶放入盖碗,用沸水冲泡,茶叶在水中舒展、旋转、下沉上升,呈现出一片生机盎然的景象。茶艺师一边泡茶,一边讲解泡茶过程中的注意事项,如水温、茶具选择等。茶友们纷纷拿出手机拍照留念,学习茶艺知识。 随后,茶艺师针对茶友们提出的问题进行了详细解答。她指出,泡茶时水温要适宜,绿茶适宜用80℃左右的水,红茶则用95℃左右的水;茶具选择要注重材质和造型,如紫砂壶、瓷器等。茶友们对茶艺师的专业解答表示满意,纷纷表示受益匪浅。 最后,茶艺师分享了茶文化养生之道。她认为,茶文化养生包括茶道、茶艺、茶德三个方面。茶道讲究的是内心的宁静、和谐;茶艺则体现在泡茶、品茶的过程中;茶德则要求我们在日常生活中尊重他人、关爱自然。茶文化养生不仅能陶冶情操,还能强身健体,是现代人追求健康生活的一种方式。 本次讲座的成功举办,不仅为广大茶友提供了学习茶艺知识、交流茶文化的平台,还进一步推动了武汉茶文化的发展。茶友们纷纷表示,通过此次讲座,他们对茶文化有了更深入的了解,今后将更加热爱茶文化,传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

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