I have to say that it is convenient for these demon servants to get up.

Su Yugen didn’t send anyone to imply that these domestic servants needed an order. Da Man Chao Wu and aristocratic men made every effort to support Su Yu’s decision.
Sword refers to the people desperately. I’m afraid this is what the emperor wants most.
The national strength of the Yanhuang Empire may be inferior to the top ten races, but it is a racial empire that completely abuses the four continents in terms of unity and cohesion.
Thanks to the power of the devil’s contract.
Black jade rode with many foreign nobles in airships, including Su Yu and daughters, and all the people in the city cheered and left Qinjian City to fly to the Chinese Empire.
Fluttering in the wind at the head of the wall of Qinjian City is the golden golden dragon flag, Yanhuang, and the two dragon and phoenix characters!
As the airship in red gradually moved away from Qinjian City and the flag disappeared, Su Yu’s eyes disappeared.
The airship in red is indeed much faster on foot, and it takes about a week to arrive from the original two-month riding distance. The airship in red is worthy of being the most powerful and iconic war instrument in the human empire.
Su Yu didn’t go back to the roots of the Chinese Empire to cater to the hundreds of officials who went out of the city to meet them, and he didn’t bother to take care of these ostentation and extravagance etiquette. Su Yu directly ordered the airship in red to land in the imperial city. After landing, Su Yu told the maid to take a few women back to the palace, and he returned to the palace hall without stopping to hold a meeting.
There are a lot of things waiting for Su Yu to deal with. Su Yu naturally won’t enjoy the ostentation and extravagance and the reverence of officials at this time.
The airship in red was handed over to the city guards to manage the alien aristocratic prisoners. For these people, they had to change their places and their status as prisoners had not changed at all.
However, Su Yu had just changed his imperial robe and called Baiguan Palace, and an urgent message was sent to the court.
25 Chapter 25 Hundreds of clans plot to fight in court.
Full Chao Wu gathered together.
Su Yu, wearing a yellow robe, a jade crown and a crown, just sat down on the throne of the emperor. Outside the hall, a palace attendant hurried in.
Several attendants handed over an urgent message. Finally, one person hurriedly walked with his head down and knelt before the throne of the Emperor.
The whole process was silent, and the officials looked at each other very well. What’s important at this time?
Some thoughtful officials have begun to speculate that the secret message in the hands of the emperor should be related to the military, otherwise no one will be sent to the imperial palace so mysteriously and urgently
Su Yu ordered people to take the secret fold and glanced down at the expression, which made people unable to guess the secret fold.
Although more than half of Man Chaowu are servants of Su Yu’s demons, they can’t bear to be obsessed with politics. Everyone is great. What’s in this secret fold?
"Come and read"
Su Yu handed the secret fold to the side waiter.
After paying homage to the results, I read aloud, "I report to the Emperor that we have explored more than a dozen foreign countries in the eastern continent, such as the Orc Empire and the Wing Empire. I am afraid that the birth of Jinlong a month ago will be bad for the Chinese people. I can’t sleep at night and go to various countries to continue the exploration. I hereby write to hope that the Emperor will be alert to the command of the Royal Guards to serve Yang Mingwei!"
Yang Mingwei Qinjian City and Su Yu parted ways. Instead of returning to China in a red airship, they personally led 5,000 royal guards to invade all major terran countries and foreign countries in a mysterious way.
This secret fold is the seemingly true news sent by Yang Mingwei, but in fact it is worth pondering and pondering.
First of all, the officials learned from the secret fold that Su Yu summoned the real dragon breath a few days ago and really shocked the Terran Emperor in the East China.
Every major foreign country has actually opened a multi-party secret meeting. Although the secret meeting did not specify which races participated, it is not difficult for the officials to smell that a layout for the Yanhuang Empire is spreading.
This is an open plan!
Aliens will never sit back and watch the rise of the Yanhuang Empire, regardless of the majesty and horror of the Terran Emperor’s real dragon breath. They will carefully test the Yanhuang Empire, and war may break out if necessary!
And this bold "secret talk" is really the first step for the hundred families to test the attitude of Chinese people.
With the attendance over the secret fold, all the officials in the court were filled with indignation.
"Wolf ambition!"
"It’s really deceiving!"
"Do they still want to organize a hundred-nation alliance to reproduce the fact that the hundred-nation attacked our Terran Empire three thousand years ago?"
They all growled and ministers were angry.
Many military commanders roared and shouted the slogan "Strive for the first world war and strive for the majesty of the Terran"!
Three thousand years ago, Chengtian Empire suffered a hundred-tribe siege.
If it weren’t for that generation of Su Wangfu, the god of war, who fought for his life with all the jet fighters, it would make people linger, and then the foreign countries would make Chengtian Empire fight back at that time because of the loss of the spoils. I’m afraid this Chengtian Empire would have been destroyed!
Although it is an old story of Chengtian Empire, it is still recorded in the history of Yanhuang Empire and regarded as a disgrace of Terran.
Today, these aliens have signs of alliance, which will naturally make the officials angry, anxious and angry.
Su Yu thoughtfully slightly raised my hand slightly, stopped the noise and looked at the Emperor.

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