"Little bro, what a skill! It seems that I missed my goal. Let’s report it to a friend for 10,000 yuan. Everyone may have misunderstood that today is our family affair. Don’t take part in the wait. I’ll hold this woman and let you play once. If you want to go to this mixed water, don’t blame me."

Yang Chengzu said that he didn’t mean anything by holding his hand. "You don’t have to care if I pass by for wine."
The black wolf nodded, "It is good to know when Junjie knows what to do." He winked at Yang Chengzu, two archers and two swordsmen. Five archers on his side aimed their bows and arrows at the fire wind and her department.
"Sister, you lost your weapon today. What is it like for me to let you be a woman in vain? If you become a hedgehog later, it will be boring to play. "
As a result, the pair of peaks became more and more eye-catching. Without saying a word, she grabbed a strand of falling hair and put it on her mouth. She bit her body tightly and asked another female soldier, "Are you afraid?"
"I’m not afraid to die with the big lady."
"That’s good. Give me a location before I die. Which elder sister would you like to take away?"
"East seven steps five feet tall with a bow …"
Boom A loud noise
The bowstring is loose, the arrow is like the wind, and at the same time, the ghost knife is thrown away!
Finally, a female soldier fell to the ground by an arrow through her shoulder, and the archer who was quoted by her didn’t come to move, so she was thrown out by the fire wind and burned, and the ghost head broadsword chopped into her chest and fell to the ground with a long cry.
Fire, wind, burn, throw out a single knife, and at the same time, roll neatly, and grab it. I don’t know who dropped a knife, and then swing it all the way to the knife method. Two legs were cut off and fell to the ground. This scream didn’t last long, so she chopped it one by one along the sound.
The other four arrows grazed her body. The most important thing was that one arrow was her face. Her face was burning and painful. This time, she was going to be disfigured. I wonder if he saw it. Does it hurt in his heart?
Just now, as soon as Yang Chengzu spoke, he heard that Yang Bai was actually in this hotel. Is this the karma? She went their separate ways from Henan and the white lotus virgin. She never thought that she would have a chance to see this man again. Even she regarded this experience as a delusion. I didn’t expect that it was such a reunion.
She didn’t recognize that Yang Baihui saved her, let alone that he could save himself. There are more than a dozen people on the black wolf side. How can they run away now that they have lost their eyesight? That sound just now should have been a firearm. Did the mountain thief do it? He was willing to save me.
She thought about it, but she thought it was sweet to have this experience before she died. It’s worth it. If you cross your neck, you’ll have to solve it once and for all. You can’t be ruined by those people alive. Greenwood people, she knows what a female captive field is.
Yang Chengzu lost his spear with one hand and a knife with the other hand. He rushed over to Huofenghuang and the black wolf shouted, "Shoot me again!"
Can not wait for the archer to start work, Yang Chengzu has jumped up in the past. Two swordsmen have heard the crossbow string shaking and the knife light is like snow. Two swordsmen have an arrow in their throat, and the other is that their wrists have been cut off by their wrists. Before Yang Chengzu can react, the archer has lost his hand, grabbed his neck with his left hand, pulled him to the front and stabbed him with his right hand.
Several arrows shot at the archer’s body in the backward movement, but failed to hurt Yang Chengzu behind him. He had gathered with Huo Fenghuang in a place where the tiger in Montenegro snorted. "Even if you get together, what if you two can deal with so many of us?"
"Maybe." Yang Chengzu was also tired and sweaty. When he put the dead body of the archer to the ground, he asked Huo Fenghuang, "Can you still pull the bow?"
"Hero … you go quickly. Leave me alone. Give me the bow. I can help you kill it." Fire and wind have now tried to rescue Yang Chengzu regardless of their own lives. She didn’t take her iron bow with her, otherwise the black wolf even dared not say more words.
Her hand has been stuffed with a Zhang Bu bow and an arrow pot. "This bow is soft and weak, or the bowstring will break. From now on, I am your eye and you are my hand. We will see if the black wolf can keep us."
Chapter one hundred and fifty-six Desperate
Is he my eye? When I heard this, the fire wind burned a little soft and almost lost the strength to pull the bow. I thought that if he could always be my eye, there was nothing wrong with this pair of tricks even if he could not keep it.
Although the eyes are dark and faint, there is still burning pain, but at this time, the fire and wind burn the heart and panic at all, but it is particularly reliable. "It turns out that he really cares about me and he has to protect me at this time."
She didn’t know that if Yang Chengzu had enough to eat in another place, he wouldn’t care if he lived or died. It was forced by the situation that he could only live in the same boat. At this time, he said nothing.
At this time, the black wolf department also raised its bow to aim at a pair of men and women, and the fire wind burned there led by Yang Chengzu to put his hand into the arrow pot and pulled out four carved feathers.
Generally, archers in the Central Plains have to be good at drawing four arrows at most, but it is a northern Lu Tatar shooting technique, and like these bandits, there is an arrow at a time.
Fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, fire, wind, fire, fire, wind, fire, wind, fire, fire, wind and Can she know where people are? Don’t be afraid to save both of them for me! "
On the influence of Qinglong Mountain, the influence is greater than that of Heilangshan Mountain. Even if the old stockade master is dying and the fire and wind burn a woman town, many people have different opinions. However, if the two fires merge with Heilangshan Mountain, he may still be the loser. His only chance is to kill or capture the fire and wind burn here. No matter what the variables are, he has to leave people behind or die himself.
Yang Chengzu cold hum a small said a sentence "nine steps four feet in the east" fire wind burn bowstring loose place a scream a bowman fell to the ground.
Several of his archers were frightened to know that the other side must give priority to their own targets, and they didn’t need to aim at the hasty bow. Almost at the same time, Yang Chengzu reported his position like a string of words.
"Six Steps to the West"
"seven steps to the south"

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近日,武汉科协针对喝茶抗癌这一话题进行了深入的研究,并发布了一份报告,旨在为广大茶友解答喝茶抗癌的疑问。报告指出,茶叶中含有丰富的茶多酚、儿茶素等成分,具有一定的抗癌作用。那么,哪些茶叶更具有抗癌功效呢? 首先,绿茶是茶叶中的佼佼者。绿茶中含有丰富的茶多酚,尤其是儿茶素中的表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)具有显著的抗癌效果。武汉华中科技大学附属小学的学生曾通过实验证明,绿茶提取物中的EGCG对肝脏肿瘤疾病模型具有体内药效。因此,绿茶在抗癌方面具有较高的药用价值。 其次,乌龙茶也是具有抗癌功效的茶叶之一。乌龙茶在制作过程中,保留了茶叶中的大部分茶多酚和儿茶素,具有很好的抗氧化作用。研究发现,乌龙茶中的茶多酚可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,降低癌症风险。 此外,红茶和普洱茶也具有一定的抗癌作用。红茶在发酵过程中,茶多酚逐渐转化为茶红素和茶黄素,这些物质具有一定的抗氧化和抗炎作用。普洱茶中的茶多酚含量较高,有助于降低血脂、减肥、抗氧化和抗癌。 那么,如何饮用这些茶叶才能发挥其抗癌功效呢? 首先,选择新鲜的茶叶。茶叶在储存过程中,茶多酚等有益成分会逐渐氧化,影响其抗癌效果。因此,选择新鲜茶叶是关键。 其次,适当控制饮用量。茶叶中的茶多酚等成分具有抗氧化和抗癌作用,但过量饮用可能导致茶多酚与体内的金属离子结合,产生有害物质。一般来说,每天饮用3-5克茶叶为宜。 最后,注意饮用时间。茶叶中的茶多酚等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以在一定程度上延缓衰老。因此,建议在早晨和上午饮用茶叶,有助于提高工作效率,同时也能起到抗氧化、抗癌的作用。 总之,喝茶抗癌已成为越来越多人的共识。在日常生活中,适量饮用绿茶、乌龙茶、红茶和普洱茶等茶叶,可以降低癌症风险,提高生活质量。当然,喝茶抗癌并非万能,还需保持健康的生活方式,定期体检,才能真正实现健康长寿。

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