They don’t make moves. There are several names for birds caught in the summer. One is a ghost car, an ancient bird demon, and this woman Shen Shi’s eyes are not evil but very dangerous.

This is also the characteristic of summer birds. There are children and summer birds. They are gentle and demon. When their children die, they will also turn into the most horrible ghost car.
"The monster seems to have gone there. Let’s go there and look for it again."
Summer birds kept playing to meet the last moonlight, stepping on the lake and gradually fading away. Finally, I saw a little bird with wings in the lake and never appeared again.
Then Bao Zheng came. He didn’t bring the army, but he brought the Yin soldiers.
The court didn’t want to send troops for fear that the emperor would take charge of the soldiers. At this time, Bao Zheng remembered that he could borrow Yin soldiers, and it was indeed that Yin soldiers were more suitable than the living.
Only by borrowing all the truth can the truth really come out.
Zhou family in Dahu village is a place where Zhou family went to another school to catch up with the exam in Beijing.
Zhou Jiaer was lured by the demon, and his father went to look for him, but it was not his hand that died, but the hands of villagers in the Great Lakes.
It was the villagers in the Great Lakes who sent them to eat the monster. To Zhou Yin’s knowledge, it was the villagers who told him that he had not seen it with his own eyes.
That night, Xia Huoniao hurriedly took her feathers and wanted to take her daughter away, but her daughter was bent on revenge from her father to fight the monster, so she could escape alone.
And Zhou Yin soon died at the hands of monsters, and he came back.
What will Yu come back? What happened? Hell is not clear.
"So she came for revenge when the bird came back today?" Shen Shi asked again
"This ….. little real don’t know" ghost sent back.
"I don’t know this, and I don’t know what you know?"
"It’s ….. it’s a little personal, and it’s not a god’s name. If you want to know, you can ask Yan Jun’s adult!"
Xu had let Shen Shi ask tired ghost poor changed face impatient way
"Is that so?" Shen Shi looked at him and suddenly reached out and grabbed him. He said, "I heard that when the wicked die, is it good or evil for you?"
Shen Shi’s hand is very heavy, and he is even more angry when he twitters. "Bold! How dare you make a move against yin? "
"Do you also match the yin difference?"
"He’s a bad guy. I don’t know who deserves you." Another bad sneer at a way
Most of the evil people are punished, and Shen Shi is not polite to the evil people. At the same time, he is not so dissatisfied with his companion’s life or death
"Less is judge lu, Zhong Kui" Shen Shi light way.
"judge lu, Zhong Kui?" The ghosts’ eyes will pop out, and another middle-aged ghost will make a big noise if he has a heart.
"Do you know what these two people are? Although judge lu is a "judge", he doesn’t judge ghosts. He is a judge but doesn’t exercise his functions? Because of his superb medical skills, Yan Jun told him to set up a drugstore in the underworld and become a doctor. judge lu’s yin status is extremely high, and he is the object of curry favor with all the ghosts. Who dares to offend him? Yan and imps sometimes feel uncomfortable. Once they have a headache and brain fever, they have to be treated by judge lu. All the ghosts remember the "cow’s head and horse’s face" field. They thought that the cow’s head and horse’s face were not what they are now, but they were good-looking people. However, because they offended judge lu, judge lu secretly tampered with them and changed the cow and horse’s head into "cow’s head and horse’s face". Previously, the ghosts respected judge lu as a god, and judge lu dared not go out in front of the atmosphere, let alone talk about judge lu in person.
And master Zhong Kui named him "Blessing the Sage of the Town House", so they deserve you to do it? "
He was furious with Shen Shi when he called a lot of ghosts
But that ghost is in my eyes, but I can’t help but be proud. It’s just luck. Brother Niu, what cow is not in the charge of the men after it dies? Oh, yes, if you can’t pass this, are you not sure in the future?
Ghost errand is punished, and it is a chore for the wicked to do it. Now they are brought out by Bao Zheng, and their hearts are naturally unwilling.
"Yes" Shen Shi calmly spit out two words. This is not Shen Shi’s provocation, but it seems to him that the netherworld is just generation, that is, these two.
If you really think about it, it will be a ghost if the system can be improved.
Just say that this great lake village will not be a village if it is conscientious at all.
Some of the wicked are timid to listen to Shen Shi. Even Zhong Kui and judge lu are not afraid of it. Naturally, they will be punished when they recall their evil spirits. But how long has it been? A thousand years? Or five hundred years? Anyway, the world has changed, the hell has changed, and it’s more like them villains
People in the world will be careful even if they smell them. The natives are afraid of his balls!
"I originally said that the monk was waiting for a peerless figure, but I didn’t expect him to be a big talker."
"The more you practice Daoism, the more you should be in awe of ghosts and gods. Only when you are in awe of ghosts and gods can you be sincere in being Taoist?"
The wicked don’t mean that they are like stupid people. Even if they are, they have learned to be wicked for a long time.
Chapter 31 Meet the high and step on the low
"good! Ok! Really good! Are you asking me not to die? " Shen Shi suddenly smiled.
"ah? What did you say? " The middle-aged ghost surprised him to understand why Shen Shi would think like this.
Shen Shi said faintly, "Don’t you want me to die?"

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阳光透过稀疏的云层,洒在江边的小径上,微风轻拂,带来阵阵江水的清新。我沿着江边漫步,一路欣赏着这美丽的景色,突然感到一阵疲惫,便找了一块平坦的石头坐下,享受这难得的小憩时光。 江水悠悠,波光粼粼,仿佛在诉说着古老的故事。我闭上眼睛,感受着微风拂过脸颊的温柔,耳畔传来江水拍打岸边的声音,宛如一曲动人的乐章。在这宁静的江边,我仿佛置身于一个与世隔绝的世界,心情也变得格外舒畅。 正当我沉浸在这份宁静中时,一阵茶香飘来,打破了周围的宁静。我睁开眼睛,只见一位茶艺师正在不远处忙碌着。她身着素雅的汉服,手持茶具,手法熟练地将茶叶放入茶壶,然后注入热水,只见茶叶在水中翻滚,逐渐展开,犹如一幅美丽的画卷。 茶艺师缓缓地拿起茶杯,轻啜一口,然后微笑着递给我。我接过茶杯,茶香浓郁,入口甘甜。这茶仿佛有着神奇的魔力,让我心中的疲惫一扫而空,只剩下宁静和愉悦。 我放下茶杯,看着茶艺师熟练地泡茶,心中不禁对她产生了敬意。她不仅泡得一手好茶,更懂得如何在繁忙的生活中寻找一份宁静。我想,这就是茶的魅力吧,它能够让人在喧嚣的世界中找到片刻的安宁。 小憩过后,我重新踏上征程。江边的风景依旧美丽,但我却感受到了一种不同的韵味。这韵味来自于茶,更来自于那份宁静和从容。 茶,是一种文化,也是一种生活方式。它不仅仅是一种饮品,更是一种心灵的寄托。在忙碌的生活中,我们不妨放下手中的忙碌,泡一壶茶,静静地品味其中的韵味,让自己在忙碌中找到一份宁静。 江边小憩,茶香醉人。这一刻,我仿佛明白了生活的真谛。在这个快节奏的时代,我们需要学会放慢脚步,去感受生活中的美好,去品味生活中的茶香。只有这样,我们才能在纷繁复杂的世界中找到属于自己的那份宁静和快乐。

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