Luo Xian laughed. "Master Duanlang doesn’t want you to fight with Lu Rufeng, but to act with Wang Yue. This time it’s Wang Yuezhu. You just have to listen to his orders. Yu Rufeng has his own Wang Yue to deal with the master’s words. I’ll take him to Duanlang. You are ready to go to the gold mine with Wang Yue."

Say that finish LuoXian turned away from seeing broken waves this scumbag beaten LuoXian feel very happy.
With anxiety in his eyes, Duanlang shouted to God, "Master, what should I do?"
God will be cold and say, "It seems that you have been set up by Wang Yue. He must want to let you go to the gold mine together. Your feud with Wang Yue is really irreconcilable."
The feud between breaking waves and Wang Yue is endless. This is no ordinary enmity.
Broken waves said, "Master, do I really want to go with Wang Yue? Li Shaoqing is no match for Lu Rufeng, and Wang Yue and I are even less rivals. Brother, this trip is really life and death. "
God will say, "Since the Master of the Door told you to go to that division, you can’t disobey his orders. You can rest assured that the division will give you a chance to live. When you leave, the division will leave you with an energy so that you can resist Rufeng’s three attacks. If you can’t escape after Rufeng’s three attacks, you will die. Whether you can live this time depends on your own affairs and nature."
Broken waves took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Master."
Breaking the waves doesn’t want to go, but there is no way to be good. God will leave an energy. With this magical environment, the strong energy will protect the waves and the chances of survival are much greater than Wang Yue.
I saw Wang Yue at a glance when I broke the waves.
"Breaking the waves, you finally came out, and I thought you would run away from cold feet." Wang Yue had a sneer in his eyes. "It seems that I underestimated your courage."
Breaking the waves with a flaming sword laughed. "Wang Yue, you are not afraid. Are you afraid that I will break the waves? I don’t know what you mean. You want to take me with you to die, but it’s a pity that the dead person is you and I will definitely come back alive. "
Wang Yue one leng smiled and said, "Oh, really? It seems that God gave you life-saving things to make you so courageous, but people are not as good as days. Once they leave, even if there are no more life-saving means, born to die "
Wang Yuehua flew in the direction of the gold mine with a streamer.
Break the waves and cold hum a also to recover to Wang Yue.
There are still more than one hundred miles away from the gold mine, so Wang Yue stopped and found a village to live in.
Broken waves behind Wang Yue asked coldly, "Wang Yue, what do you mean? Don’t be afraid of death and not finish the master’s account? "
Wang Yue, who broke the waves, dared not go to the gold mine to stay in this small village to escape.
Wang Yue sneered, "Don’t forget that you belong to me now. It’s not your turn to teach me what to do if you want to listen to my orders."
Indra asked Wang Yuema to set out, but did not order Wang Yuema to solve the gold mine.
Wang Yue intends to break through and become a half-step ghost in the strong first.
Broken waves laughed. "Wang Yue, how dare you hide in this small village? Do you know that if you delay a moment, Blue Moon Sect will collect more gold and Tianmen will suffer more losses? Do you believe me or not?"
Wang Yue sneered, "Go ahead and break the waves now. Listen to me, I won’t be threatened by you any more. I want to dream of Long Mai."
Wang Yue’s small village is closed for three days, and his skill is getting more and more pure. At any time, he may become a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods.
Breaking the waves and seeing Wang Yue’s growing momentum, he cursed in his heart, "Wang Yue is really damn. I didn’t expect his martial arts to be so strong, but even if his martial arts are strong, he will die like a knife."
Wang Yue, even if he becomes a half-step ghost, can he be strong, and can he still cross the road like a front?
Lu Rufeng is the first person in the realm of ghosts and gods
Broken waves want to interrupt Wang Yue’s practice, which makes him unable to practice with peace of mind, but he is afraid that Wang Yue will attack crazily.
The strong energy of the broken wave body can resist three powerful attacks. If it is consumed, it will be doubtful when facing the road like a front.
In order to keep fit, the energy broke the waves and did not dare to provoke Wang Yue.
Wang Yuexiang’s true qi floats around, making it a pale blue ocean.
"Soon my horse will be able to become a half-step ghost fighters." Wang Yue closed his eyes and operated his skill heart andao.
Suddenly, Wang Yue’s body shook slightly, and the true qi fluctuated and then calmed down.
Wang Yue finally became a strong man in the half-step ghost territory.
Although martial arts broke through, it didn’t make any big noise. Although it is a great realm, it is still a realm of heaven and not a realm of true ghosts and gods.
Half a step, ghosts and gods kill the general practitioners of Heaven, just like killing chickens, but they still can’t be compared with the strong ones of ghosts and gods. Only when they truly become the strong ones of ghosts and gods can they be regarded as the peak of fighters.
Lu Rufeng, the first person in the strong realm of ghosts and gods, is arrogant and arrogant, but he still dares not be presumptuous when facing the Blue Moon Lord.
Wang Yue stood up and felt a change in physical strength with a smile on his face.
Wang Yue was a little excited. "I finally became a half-step ghost fighter. I feel several times stronger than before. Half-step ghost fighters are so strong. I really don’t know how strong the ghost fighter will be."
Wang Yue’s fist is full of qi and blood energy, which has reached the point where qi and blood are like dragons. This breakthrough can be described as a thick accumulation.
Compared with Xiong, Wang Yue feels that he is much stronger than Xiong now, and he can definitely run over him when he faces Xiong again.
"I don’t know what Li Shaoqing’s martial arts are like?" Wang Yue heart andao
Li Shaoqing was seriously injured, and Wang Yue met him once, but the root could not judge his real strength, so he learned Lu Rufeng’s real skill.
But even in the face of Lu Rufeng, Wang Yue has the confidence to save his life.
You should be able to resist Lu Rufeng’s swordsmanship.
Breaking the waves, Wang Yue stopped smiling and said, "Why not? Or have you broken through in martial arts? Let’s go find Lu Rufeng. "
Kung fu breakthrough? Is it such a good breakthrough?
I don’t believe that Wang Yueli made a breakthrough in martial arts in three days.
Wang Yue’s former martial realm is better than breaking the waves. Breaking the waves has never been able to see through Wang Yue’s real repair. Wang Yue has already made a half-step demon realm fighter, and he can’t see through Wang Yuexiu even more.
Wang Yue looked at the broken waves coldly and said, "Broken waves, I told you that you are now a gold mine, and I don’t want you to wake up. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you and plant you dead, even if God will not take me."
If possible, Wang Yuezhen wants to kill the horse and break the waves
He stopped talking when he broke the waves and snorted. He is really afraid of Wang Yue now.

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近日,武汉科协针对喝茶抗癌这一话题进行了深入的研究,并发布了一份报告,旨在为广大茶友解答喝茶抗癌的疑问。报告指出,茶叶中含有丰富的茶多酚、儿茶素等成分,具有一定的抗癌作用。那么,哪些茶叶更具有抗癌功效呢? 首先,绿茶是茶叶中的佼佼者。绿茶中含有丰富的茶多酚,尤其是儿茶素中的表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)具有显著的抗癌效果。武汉华中科技大学附属小学的学生曾通过实验证明,绿茶提取物中的EGCG对肝脏肿瘤疾病模型具有体内药效。因此,绿茶在抗癌方面具有较高的药用价值。 其次,乌龙茶也是具有抗癌功效的茶叶之一。乌龙茶在制作过程中,保留了茶叶中的大部分茶多酚和儿茶素,具有很好的抗氧化作用。研究发现,乌龙茶中的茶多酚可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,降低癌症风险。 此外,红茶和普洱茶也具有一定的抗癌作用。红茶在发酵过程中,茶多酚逐渐转化为茶红素和茶黄素,这些物质具有一定的抗氧化和抗炎作用。普洱茶中的茶多酚含量较高,有助于降低血脂、减肥、抗氧化和抗癌。 那么,如何饮用这些茶叶才能发挥其抗癌功效呢? 首先,选择新鲜的茶叶。茶叶在储存过程中,茶多酚等有益成分会逐渐氧化,影响其抗癌效果。因此,选择新鲜茶叶是关键。 其次,适当控制饮用量。茶叶中的茶多酚等成分具有抗氧化和抗癌作用,但过量饮用可能导致茶多酚与体内的金属离子结合,产生有害物质。一般来说,每天饮用3-5克茶叶为宜。 最后,注意饮用时间。茶叶中的茶多酚等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以在一定程度上延缓衰老。因此,建议在早晨和上午饮用茶叶,有助于提高工作效率,同时也能起到抗氧化、抗癌的作用。 总之,喝茶抗癌已成为越来越多人的共识。在日常生活中,适量饮用绿茶、乌龙茶、红茶和普洱茶等茶叶,可以降低癌症风险,提高生活质量。当然,喝茶抗癌并非万能,还需保持健康的生活方式,定期体检,才能真正实现健康长寿。

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